Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In view of the limited time available before the scheduled date for Advance Data Capture for Council Tax purposes I will ask my secretary to set up a meeting to discuss this document and Council Tax structures and staffing levels in a couple of weeks time .
2 It is hard for foster parents to cope with very demanding and disturbed children and no less hard to part with them once they have learnt to love them .
3 There were thriving professional leagues in most of the countries taking part , continental cup competitions were being born in both Europe and South America and the improvements in travel were creating opportunities for professional players to move beyond their national boundaries .
4 The aim was to provide a facility for professional women to meet on a regular basis , exchange ideas and experiences and discuss topics of mutual interest .
5 The Regional Sports Councils ' resources consist of MONEY ( through regional participation grants for specific projects ) , INFLUENCE ( brought to bear on other agencies ) and TIME ( in terms of sports council personnel ) .
6 The teacher 's comment reflects her conviction that the impetus for collaborative learning arises from the processes of the task , rather than its structure .
7 The first U.S. survey of nineteenth-century Italian art for fifty years opens at the Walters this month
8 She had loved him , she thought now , because , just at that time , she had had to have something else , someone else , to love , a private place for wounded love to go to .
9 She returned to study the key role music is playing as Ugandan women fight for their rights .
10 The scientists measured concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-12 , the two most important ozone destroyers , at locations in both the northern and southern hemispheres and found that the growth rate for CFC-11 concentrations dropped from an annual average of 11 parts per trillion from 1985-88 to 3 parts per trillion in 1993 .
11 But in a speech to President Suharto and ministers he added : ‘ At times nations are tempted to disregard fundamental human rights in a misguided search for political unity based on military or economic power alone .
12 Popular pressure for political change mounted in 1990 .
13 This quest for political certainties leads to a mismatch between the researcher 's and the interviewees ' agenda .
14 Dominica 's foreign affairs were dominated by the plans for political union agreed in principle by the seven countries of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States ( OECS ) .
15 The monument , in Dzerzhinsky Square opposite the Lubyanka , the headquarters of the State Security Committee ( KGB ) , consisted simply of a granite boulder brought from the Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea , site of one of the first camps for political prisoners established under Soviet rule .
16 Evidence for political affairs comes in a variety of genres : some apparently unlikely sources — theological treatises , for instance , or accounts of the translations ( that is , the carryings to new locations ) of saints ' relics , and collections of miracle-stories — turn out to hold a good deal of information about ( and reactions to ) war and politics .
17 For political reasons connected with the gold standard , it was decided no one outside his immediate circle should know .
18 Moreover , just as important as stressing the plurality of political resources , which form the basis for the exercise of power , pluralist approaches tend to stress the contingency of transforming the potential for political power offered by the possession of such resources into the actual exercise of power .
19 In view of the hostile Chinese reaction to Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten 's blueprint for political reform outlined in early October [ see p. 39143 ] , there was during November a serious deterioration in relations between the Chinese government on the one hand and the United Kingdom and Hong Kong governments on the other .
20 They said the Chinese vice-foreign minister , Tian Zengpei , would confer with the British ambassador , Sir Robin McLaren , but one source said the talks would ‘ definitely not ’ include the plans for political reform proposed by the governor of Hong Kong , Chris Patten .
21 On July 13 the Guardian , quoting US officials , had claimed that the Bush administration had approved a list of 100 targets for possible air strikes against Iraq .
22 2.45 Lord Guest thought that the dependency of £4,000 awarded by Lyell J was on the high side , but could be justified when allowing for possible future increases in earnings and for the effects of inflation .
23 The dual division of ecclesiastical power has also been important because the religious orders have often been the vehicle for innovative theologies differing from the Roman line .
24 A retention will normally be made where the purchaser is concerned about specific liabilities identified in the due diligence or disclosure exercises .
25 It is also said that the Vikings introduced the finchback characteristic to Normandy in the ninth or tenth century and , according to a detailed history of the Gloucester breed by Adam Stout , there could be a common ancestry with the finchbacked Longhorn of Lancashire through Scandinavian cattle brought to Shetland , Ireland and Lancashire by the Vikings .
26 Murphy , who was 39 last week , recently announced that he was making his original partner , Helen Cree , managing director , although he is staying as executive chairman to concentrate on growing the business , particularly in the financial sector , and improving quality .
27 Therefore many traditional notions about rural decline have to be modified to take account of the remarkable turn-around in demographic trends .
28 ECCENTRIC : wander through reconstructed rooms modelled on Tintin cartoons at the Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinée , 20 Rue des Sables , a restored art-nouveau department store that has become Brussels 's best-loved museum .
29 " Sometimes the irresponsible idea has been put about that land contaminated with mining wastes is related to human disease " , he said .
30 Something about that look stabbed into Jimmy 's heart , and he did n't know why .
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