Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] them on to " in BNC.

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1 Planting consists merely of tossing them on to the surface of the water .
2 If these two signals differ significantly in level , you will need to balance them up at the mixer before passing them on to the camcorder .
3 The Institute is concerned , however , that the duty may lead to over-reporting by auditors or to unnecessary formality in preparation of reports , which could cause delay in passing them on to the Bank .
4 STB anticipates moving both the hardware and software through distributors and master resellers who will integrate them before moving them on to resellers .
5 Sparc Technology anticipates moving both the hardware and software through distributors and master resellers who will integrate them before moving them on to resellers .
6 Scenes from the evening flashed before her eyes : the dignity of the old man to whom Ludovico had gently presented her and with whom she had performed a stately dance , delicately held in his wizened old arms ; the young men who had made a ring around her and Ludo before lifting them on to their shoulders and carrying them back to Santo Spirito ; the women who had caressed her blonde hair and whispered , ‘ Bella !
7 They happen to do something where there is an enormous organization geared up to pushing them on to a pedestal .
8 Laura found enormous fulfilment in discovering old print references and Brian Jones , a soft-spoken , young artist who had recently joined her design team in Carno , proved adept at transferring them on to fabric .
9 The goods always cost more than the mere monetary price ; and it is the object of the system to externalise these costs , by passing them on to the poor or to the impaired resource-base of the earth , and by inviting even the rich to live in collusive dissociation from the costs they , too , must pay .
10 The moral panic crystallises widespread fears and anxieties , and often deals with them not by seeking the real causes of the problems and conditions which they demonstrate but by displacing them on to ‘ Folk Devils ’ in an identified social group ( often the ‘ immoral ’ or ‘ degenerate ’ ) .
11 It is pesticide-free and traps male moths by luring them on to a sticky pad with the aid of a sex attractant ( a pheromene lure capsule ) given off by female moths to attract a mate .
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