Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] us [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 With the leave of the House , it remains for me only to thank the Select Committee on Energy for allowing us to hear the Government 's reply .
2 And it has the advantage of enabling us to consider the two problems associated with terms and relations in a single context .
3 Writers of porn in the States have also been quick to acknowledge their role in helping us to face the epidemic .
4 The paradox is that while mathematics appears to be based on axioms rather than empirical knowledge ( although some have argued that it is rooted ultimately in the ‘ one-twoness ’ of things ) , it has nevertheless turned out to be remarkably fruitful in enabling us to understand the physical and to a lesser extent social world ; it is as if we had invented a game which turned out to be real .
5 Critical reservations about New Historicism are overwhelmed by the benefits it has produced in forcing us to reconsider the relations between texts , historical contexts , and the methodologies we use in both establishing and unravelling these relations .
6 Another set of problems that has serious implications for the social survey involves issues to do with data analysis rather more than collection but , none the less , does have a bearing in getting us to understand the limits of the survey and of variable analysis .
7 I suppose we have to be grateful that Mr Akhtar grudgingly refrains from asking us to ban the works of Voltaire , which seems a major concession from him .
8 They see no problem in joining us to visit the elderly of the village ’ .
9 rule quickly by helping us to abolish the community charge and then the package will disappear altogether .
10 Importantly , by enabling us to see the lack of stability within textual play , deconstruction has helped bring attention to the exterior forces which attempt to control such play .
11 Which she totally buggered up by getting us to sing the theme from Aspects Of Love and then making a big speech about the Pope .
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