Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] it [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Won t you forgive me for keeping it a secret ? ’
2 I mean flipping talk about keeping it a secret !
3 A representative assessment is that given by the library manager : I would say that one of the biggest advantages was the fact that senior management … from the Head down , from the very word go , were after making it a success … one thing we have got is a greater awareness from a greater number of staff , because they come in here to supervise and help [ and ] get involved … but I think the biggest advantage has been the fact that time devoted to … library skills for all the first year … [ has ] been extended to an hour a week …
4 Wonderful song still goes down as good as ever and I have to say we still get the same buzz out of singing it every night .
5 One caller accused him of labelling it a hell-hole .
6 have a read of things and then on the basis of what your informants tell you then you can sort of focus it a bit more on erm tt you know the stuff that er erm you know the stuff that comes out in the literature that 's particularly
7 Can you sort of give it a sweep ?
8 erm you might as well do a bit of a erm you know kind of give it a go and see what happens
9 You 're sort of getting it a bit more
10 What they 're doing is actually going a lot further , and supply us all the their ac accounts and details , and they 've actually sort of called it a grant for partial costs of materials , right , so we 're actually
11 Instead of doing it a bit at a time , we can just multiply it .
12 Touring the fort , commanded by Sir Eyre Coote of the 37th Regiment , an unexpected knowledge surfaced : ‘ Dr Johnson talked of the proportions of charcoal and salt-petre in making gunpowder , of granulating it and of giving it a gloss ’ — although he admitted to Boswell afterwards that he had ‘ talked ostentatiously ’ .
13 Instead of giving it a grant , they paid back their money .
14 THE organiser of a big karate competition in Whitby says he has no intention of giving it the chop after casualties kept the town 's hospital at full stretch .
15 if the Yanks of left it a bit later they 'd of missed all the action
16 British Coal had decided to sell the house for conversion into a hotel to Roo Management , a company run by an Australian businessman who had also bought Holme Lacey in Herefordshire with the intention of making it a hotel .
17 As usual the ‘ big race ’ will lure the top names and Lisburn Borough Council expect to have in action ‘ 26 miles ’ specialist Peter O'Donoghue of Omega , who had a PB last year and Annadale 's John Walsh … and they are also confident that last year 's winner , Jerry Kiernan of Clonliffe Harriers , will take the starter 's gun with the intention of making it a hat-trick .
18 She did not , at first , take his meaning so she replied , ‘ The price of making it a certainty is a hundred thou ’ and the four lost farms . ’
19 What sort of take it every morning ?
20 Glen-Gery in the US and the pulp side should turn around this year but David Taylor at UBS Phillips & Drew thinks that by paying interest instead of receiving it the group will make a much-the-same £10m this time , and may cut dividends to 4p .
21 I 'm bloody sure I would n't of paid it no way , er , thing is though you see when you first look at it , it do n't look a bad car , but when you start studying it closely you start to see just exactly what problems it 's got with it did you point out the faults on it then ?
22 And then there 's this other one where i where it loses electrons , that 's sort of stretching it a bit .
23 I do n't mind , I would n't of minded it a bit dull to start off erm and it would of probably done her good cos she was n't used to it .
24 He keeps like going it every time he
25 It 's got instant character , whereas a new guitar has n't had the years of beating on it and fiddling with to give it the character .
26 I sometimes wish I did n't think so much about what I do , and just pottered along doing it the way it 's always been done ( like the bloke in the next-door room does ! ) .
27 Now , I do n't know whether what other people would , would say about doing it the way we 're suggesting like somebody has completed levels one A , one B , and two A , therefore they 've got this and perhaps
28 Shame on the Ordnance Survey for giving it the name of Ingleborough Hill on some of their maps : it is every inch a mountain and , although not the highest in England as was once thought and is overtopped by many others , one of the grandest .
29 This will no doubt be welcome , but before accepting it the company should be sure that it is aware of all the consequences of doing so and can handle them .
30 This will no doubt be welcome , but before accepting it the company should be sure that it is aware of all the consequences of doing so and can handle them .
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