Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] it on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is also the hereditary factor and cellulite does tend to run in families , so you may have your mother to thank for passing it on to you !
2 after that we sort of passed it on to the one next you know what to expect , but if it was down to my mother she 'd never tell you .
3 It is now fairly certain that the Australia antigen represents part of the virus responsible for type B hepatitis and its discovery has made it easier to determine the modes of transmission and the presence of a ‘ carrier ’ state , in which the infected person may suffer no ill health from his disease but is still capable of passing it on to others .
4 It was just that erm the other varieties around were competing too heavily against it so they thought what 's the point of passing it on to the children .
5 But I would of liked to of handed it on to someone else !
6 It appears from Jean Piaget 's child psychology that perception has been inseparable from simulation right from the start , and that instead of learning to project my inwardness on to other persons I had to unlearn the habit of projecting it on to the rising sun or a bouncing ball .
7 But you dare n't take the risk of trying it on in case I was calling your bluff and would refuse you .
8 When a child has got the squeeze , he is allowed to hold on to it as long as he wants before passing it on to the next person .
9 Finch handed the photograph to Miller , who did no more than glance at it before passing it on to Golding and muttering : ‘ Could be anywhere . ’
10 Brown will probably be involved in passing it on to other sites as well as to colleagues at the Morgan Grenfell operation .
11 As each reader received a book he put the date opposite his name , followed by the date on which he finished it , before sending it on to the next person on the list .
12 It was time to turn our attention to another aspect of the project : sending our wild cocoa to quarantine , before sending it on to breeders in Brazil , West Africa , Malaysia or elsewhere .
13 For example , if the broker acquired the stock with a view to selling it on to the customer at a profit , it would have to disclose this fact , the historic price of the stock , the current market price of the stock and the profit on the sale .
14 Madigan 's Millions was held back from release until American International Pictures decided to take advantage of the success of Midnight Cowboy by foisting it on to the public in 1969 in a double bill with Jon Voight 's early indiscretion , Fearless Frank , also made in 1967 .
15 The duty of care , provided under Section 34 of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act , makes all businesses responsible for ensuring that their waste is disposed of properly , by passing it on to authorized waste collectors .
16 You use this both to anchor the sledge during a trip , by stamping it into the snow , and at the start of each day to hold the sledge , by clunking it on to a tree trunk .
17 Huxtable also carried out experiments to test the possibilities of disposing of urban sewage by pumping it on to farm land .
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