Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] the new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Council , and subsequently the Group , gave their approval and the target date for bringing the new system into service has been set for 31 May .
2 Benny 's mother seemed excited about seeing the new outfit herself .
3 On top of that , the first £100 instalment of a £600 interest-free loan for building the new stand was due to be repaid , and over £ 170 was owed to tradesmen .
4 The contract for building the new car went to East Lancashire Coachbuilders of Blackburn , who also built Blackpool 's Atlantean buses .
5 The CEGB 's justification for building the new power station is not convincing
6 argument because the real reason for opposing the new clause is that the Government do not believe that private sector operations should be reviewed by any consumer body or consultative committee .
7 When , in 1839 , the Sultan made a disastrous attempt to recoup his losses of 1833 , all the Great Powers saw the need for keeping the new conflict within bounds .
8 Whilst the record companies sat on their hands , nervous of another quadraphonic-style fiasco , Karajan announced after seeing the new technology as a working prototype that he would make no new recordings and sign no new contracts with any company that was not committed to digital recording and the earliest possible launch of the compact disc .
9 He was sure it would work for him and his doggedness was rewarded , when , after using the new tool for a mere six months , he retained his Ryder Cup place and ended the 1989 season in 11th place on the money list with more than £188,000 .
10 After all , I made the 1989 side after using the new putter for only six months .
11 Indeed in the first two months after opening the new Traverse made £10,000 more than the old venue 's income for the whole of the previous year .
12 However , Major and his team were delighted on Wednesday night after meeting the new president for more than four hours .
13 One day , soon after the girl 's departure , Tom had complained of pains in his chest after digging the new potato patch , a job which had formerly been undertaken by a youthful employee who had also disappeared into the army .
14 The PFA announced the results of the strike ballot just after receiving the new offer from the Premier League by fax .
15 The threat to British interests had changed , with international Communism replacing the political and military intrigues of predator European powers and Tsarist Russia of earlier centuries , but the policies for meeting the new threat remained traditional : the judicious stationing of garrisons to protect overseas territories from external aggression and from internal subversion ; the deployment of naval forces to maintain the freedom of the seas in areas of British interest ; and the positioning of strategic reserves at key points , like Egypt and Singapore , on the imperial lines of communication through Suez to the Far East .
16 No-one could blame Wilkinson for wanting the new body to play an important part in the future development of the game .
17 In the process of inventing the new English , these materials were substantially transformed to serve a national and imperial culture .
18 When he left Burma , the task of seeing the new Prayer book through the Press fell to me .
19 The first steps towards using the new language in communication , both written and oral .
20 The fixed costs of manufacturing the new product are represented by the horizontal line since they are not influenced by the volume produced .
21 In a letter to the local press Kirk expressed criticism of the party 's stance on peace by negotiation , and the disastrous consequences of adopting the new constitution :
22 However , as with Atlantic Aeroengineering , from the start of acquiring the new operation , Managing Director Martin Slater was determined to attract further engine business to CFS : ‘ This is not just a private engine-bay , we have acquired a company with considerable experience in the overhaul of piston engines and our own expertise in this area is well-known .
23 Sooner or later the base must be changed and the following example demonstrates the difficulty of relating the new index to the old base for long-term comparisons .
24 As well as agreeing the proposed restructure and gradings the Committee agreed the recommendation that ‘ a meeting between NALGO , DOMIS and HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT 's management be initiated as soon as possible to investigate the possibility of consolidating the New Technology payment for existing staff within the Division . ’
25 Success has been despite the somewhat confusing route plan initially imposed on the service south of the Thames by the necessity of incorporating the new service into an existing timetable without increasing mileage .
26 With this went the prospect of renting better housing , of buying the new consumer items , and for those on £4 , with small families , the prospect of buying their own semi-detached houses — although it was manual workers who earned more than £4 who were likely to do that .
27 One possible means of reconciling the new right and Thatcherism to the Conservative tradition would be to abandon the emphasis on ‘ authority ’ and emphasize the duality of Conservative thought in terms of the ‘ libertarian'/ ’ paternalist' divide .
28 Given that planning can not dictate that people live near to where they work , I 'm not sure I 've yet grasped why it is that the need to Greater York need to be met near to York , the these needs to rise from a complex pattern of people moving in and people moving out , individual decisions as to where people live in relation to where they work , what 's the magic of having the new settlement near to York ?
29 You tell the supplier that you need the computer to carry out some additional data processing but neglect to inform him that you are negotiating a very lucrative top secret government contract on the basis of having the new computer .
30 In 1985 , Rome declined to follow the convention of choosing the new archbishop of Dublin from the names submitted by the clergy and notables of the diocese , and imposed a known conservative and former president of Maynooth College , Dr Kevin MacNamara .
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