Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [adv prt] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Through reflecting on and articulating aspects of my Christian life and discipleship — my hopes and fears , my successes and failures — with someone who will help me look for the Spirit 's direction , my private world becomes shared , I can make more sense of my pilgrimage and continue in it supported .
2 Through reflecting on and discussing their experiences in the classroom , both successful and unsuccessful , teachers involved in LAMP and RAMP have found themselves better equipped to facilitate the mathematical development of their pupils .
3 While many are unable to tolerate a close , demanding , intimate relationship they nevertheless crave friendships and want to engage in normal social activities such as eating out and chatting over a drink in a club or pub .
4 The communiqué outlined five principles for drawing up and implementing the five- and 10-year plans : ( i ) " firmly follow the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics " ; ( ii ) " firmly push forward reform and opening to the outside world " ; ( iii ) " firmly implement the principle of developing the national economy in a sustained , stable and co-ordinated manner " ; ( iv ) " firmly follow the principle of self-reliance , hard struggle and building up the country through thrift and diligence " ; and ( v ) " firmly implement the principle of promoting both material civilization and socialist culture and ethics " .
5 Depression of the plunger delivers two units of insulin obviating the need for drawing up and simplifying the procedure for when patients are out and about .
6 Friday afternoons were for easing up and winding down .
7 Protein is important as the source of the raw materials for building up and repairing our body tissues and our enzymes , which are largely protein .
8 We can make a choice between struggling on or surrendering forever to the forces of death . ’
9 The the thing is Yeah , I mean anything Rather than travelling , telephone , because you have to run up an awful lot of telephone calls before it 's worth driving over and doing it
10 THIS IS the day for signing in and checking out fellow schmoozers ; for ploughing through the completely bewildering gig schedule , and trying to work out just how we 're going to survive the next 100 hours without losing any important internal organs .
11 I see on the agenda this morning that an invitation has been extended for to come along and speak to us .
12 Responsibility for checking in and recording journals and other serials , as they arrive , using a ) computer system b ) manual Kardex system as appropriate .
13 And this helped them to pay for knocking down and putting up walls so that they could move the bathroom to a lovely sunny spot off the main upstairs landing .
14 It was the perfect way to round off the season , although Nigel Mansell and Ayrton Senna might not have agreed after crashing out while disputing the lead .
15 After tackling up and laying your baitboxes , landing net etc , around you , and sinking your keepnet in deep-enough water , you should still have a reasonable amount of daylight left to assess your surroundings .
16 After walking in and setting down their pocket tape recorder , they soon reveal themselves as inarticulate and badly prepared and the whole encounter is punctuated with long , awkward silences .
17 If more was wanted , the Defence of the Realm Act should be invoked to impose penalties for failures to join after signing on and drinking facilities at dock gates removed or greatly restricted .
18 At the hotel he told the taxi to wait , and after checking in and having a quick clean-up in our rooms , we drove out to Teotihuacan .
19 After staring around and grunting a lot , Spunk reflexively saved a drunken girl from being roughed up in a sidewalk fracas outside a singles ' bar .
20 After rubbing down and applying a one-step primer and undercoat we gave this set of drawers a modernist look by painting different sections in a variety of bright , matt colours .
21 After setting up and completing their work on the beaches , on 10 July , No 6 Beach Group was dissolved .
22 After casting on and knitting a few rows , you just need a couple of minutes from time to time to go back to the machine and change the punchcard or pattern number .
23 Designer shops rub shoulders with gourmet restaurants and the promenade is as much for dressing up and meeting people as it is for enjoying the glorious views .
24 I blame myself for looking on and allowing you to poison their minds .
25 It bases the idea of obligation to law , reasons for acquiescing in or committing oneself to legal process , on the value of the ends which thus become attainable .
26 I just hope people sort of sit up and take notice of it .
27 I sort of kneel down and give her a touch on the shoulder .
28 He says he did think of whipping up and running them down , but it would have been useless , they could shoot far faster than we could drive at them .
29 Now they will be scared rigid of stepping up and saying anything which could land them on the same mat upon which Lamb was so unfairly punished at Lord 's yesterday .
30 Lets just hope Lee Sharpe gives Dorigo some sort of support this time , instead of pissing off and leaving tony to cover the whole left flank — AND to get in crosses .
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