Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pers pn] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 She answered the telephone , thanked the Martellis for thanking her for the party .
2 What possible reason could a sane man have for thanking her for an evening that had never happened ?
3 Even so I did not expect my feet to be trouble-free after using them for the first time on a full day 's hiking in the Purbeck Hills .
4 Rachel Still , 23 — who was living with a boyfriend in Wilmslow , Cheshire — drove off with husband Phillip after meeting him for a talk .
5 After meeting him for the first time , Vincent thought that he must be wealthy .
6 She took the boxed flower and then , after holding it for a moment and wondering what to do with it , laid it down alongside her place setting .
7 After studying her for a moment in silence , he added , ‘ What possessed you to take off your shoes and come charging out of the alley like that ? ’
8 A MAN shot dead his teenage daughter after mistaking her for a burglar .
9 After watching them for a while I suggested that they might try to keep most numbers constant and change just one .
10 Joseph and his mother , after watching them for a moment , turned and strolled away to inspect the dead calf .
11 Mechanical things were not her strong point ; after watching her for a couple of minutes , Melissa could stand it no longer .
12 Within a few days of seeing me for the first time , he summoned me once again to tell me that the Labour Party did not wish to continue with the action .
13 When the Zombie had finished his walk , a more permanent method of protecting her for the next four months would have to be found .
14 He spent as long as he could going round the Smoking Room at a snail 's pace , cleaning clean ashtrays and polishing polished tables , and when summoned once or twice to wait on other members he dragged out the process of serving them for an inordinate length of time .
15 Similarly , ‘ vocational ’ training was regarded more as a means of making prisoners work hard than of training them for a task to which they were individually suited .
16 Finally , one other began to use heroin almost by default in that he and a friend bought heroin with the specific aim of selling it for a profit .
17 Guillaume was also disturbed by Modi 's unpredictable and unbusinesslike behaviour : ‘ the mere idea of asking him for a signature , which would have legalized a relationship , seemed ridiculous to me ’ .
18 Instead of blaming them for a small error , I praise them for being 99 percent perfect .
19 ‘ I used to do a lot of home brewing and going round beer festivals gave me the idea of doing it for a living .
20 It 's just a matter of hoarding them for a discount on your Sovereign holiday .
21 Well we set out with the good intention of taking her for a long walk this morning but er we changed our mind did n't we ?
22 While BT has the right to terminate the deal between years three and six , it also has the option of extending it for a further three years .
23 ‘ If I speak to Nerina , ’ said Bernard , whose blood pressure was so low there was talk of admitting him for a day or so , ‘ she might lift the curse .
24 if he thought there was something up he would of sent you for an x-ray , or
25 He met two artists , husband and wife , ‘ awfully sweet , she has a bold yet subtle and exotic sense of colour ’ , and thought of trying her for the costumes ; he had already got another artist to try and ‘ you never saw such revue in all your life ’ .
26 No the only thing that consumed me I was looking to see if there was anyway that material from the seat could be used to sort of target us for a mailing system or something like that
27 Talking to him is always like meeting him for the first time — he never comes out with the same old stuff and you can look forward to an interesting conversation .
28 This means that you can perform operations on it , such as scanning it for the particular information you want .
29 Dozzell said : ‘ I thought about wearing it for the last few minutes , but I did n't think it would go down too well .
30 Some word processing functions will apparently be bucked up and international versions are due soon , including localizing it for the company 's new exclusive Japanese distributor Sumisho Electronics .
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