Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] too [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 For we do not know what to pray for as we ought , but the Spirit itself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words .
2 He frames the petitions in our lips ; and he prays within us to the Father , with sighs too deep for words .
3 We are , he observed , only too willing to make this sort of leap , and not only in the field of theology ( Hume was also very critical of what he saw as the pretensions of the science of his day to uncover the ‘ hidden springs ’ of things ) , but we need to be much more modest and cautious , to realise how limited the scope of our experience and knowledge is , and how liable our minds to go astray when they over-reach themselves and fish in waters too deep for their lines to plumb .
4 Assault craft and ships on a beach too shallowly shelved might ground by the stern , leaving their bows in water too deep for vehicles or men to cross without risk of drowning , while vehicle-carrying craft on a steeply inclined beach might not ground firmly enough to off load their cargoes .
5 Try I fall in love too easily for the young Marsalis 's strong sound gelling with the experience of the rhythm section .
6 TELEVISION 'S merciless eye does footballers few favours and perhaps it is unfair to take them to task too readily for their occasional excesses .
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