Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] over [art] years " in BNC.

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1 Italian firm Same-Lamborghini has done its bit for variety over the years , with a series of innovations that suggest that its research and development department gets a bigger budget than many other companies ' equivalents .
2 In recognition to the part Sue Davies has played in the promotion of photography over the years , she was awarded an OBE in 1988 .
3 We 've made plenty of enemies over the years , even politicians here at the UN , and this will provide them with the perfect ammunition for them to shoot UNACO down in flames .
4 … in every Department a store of knowledge and experience in the subjects handled , something which eventually takes shape as a practical philosophy , or may merit the title of a departmental philosophy … in most cases the departmental philosophy is nothing more startling than the slow accretion and accumulation of experience over the years
5 ‘ I 'm sure she did , lots of times over the years , and she always got the door slammed in her face . ’
6 I have had a lot of pleasure over the years keeping and breeding tropical fish , and cichlids in particular .
7 You have been fortunate enough to build up a reserve of savings over the years , or you may find yourself in receipt of an inheritance .
8 SHAPED BY A VARIETY of influences over the years the magnificence and legacy of Harewood remain unspoilt .
9 So , Sir , I have been able to reflect on the inherent good sense of the people of Worcester over the years I have been privileged to be the Member for that constituency .
10 Table 3.9 shows the size of these categories and , with Table 3.8 and the appendix , the decline of independence over the years .
11 Deaf education has been associated with a great deal of dogma which has had varying degrees of influence over the years .
12 ‘ It has been my privilege to see the best of England over the years , sir , within these very walls . ’
13 The indemnity was described simply as a payment ‘ for making peace ’ , but it has been pointed out that the sum of £20,000 is close to the amount thought to have been extorted by the Scots from the northern counties of England over the years since Bannockburn , and the payment may have been seen as compensation for the destruction wrought in the north .
14 Maturity of outlook over the years led it to have a capacity for assuming an independent role , based on its own inherent values .
15 Detailed observation of Willis over the years , however , and his general ‘ out to lunch ’ demeanour , suggested Dylan to be more a tribute to that rather vacant rabbit of Magic Roundabout fame .
16 With advance in other areas of chemistry over the years , the zeolite based exchange material was able to be replaced by manufactured , synthetic ion exchange resin beads , with a highter capacity for ion exchange , coupled with physical and chemical stability .
17 They have trained-in a succession of concepts over the years : decision making , then situational leadership , and then contingency theory .
18 But there 've been a number of changes over the years , certainly prior to nineteen seventy four that would be the case , water boards supplying water , local councils treating treating the sewage , and the rivers authorities looking after the river pollution aspects .
19 In spite of the millions of words they contain , and some noticeable shifts of emphasis over the years , the volumes of the Church Dogmatics are marked by an immense overall coherence and harmony .
20 The introduction is an essay by Octavio Paz in which he stresses the isolation in which the civilisations of the Americas evolved ( as opposed to Europe with contacts from the East ) and he examines the reactions of Europeans over the years to Mexican art .
21 It 's given miners a lot of service over the years and eased a lot of the er distress of the at work .
22 He must have embezzled thousands of pounds over the years . ’
23 This must be quite disappointing to the Danes who have spent millions of pounds over the years building up ‘ Danish ’ as a trademark on a par with Bisto or Nescafe .
24 ‘ The basic concept was that there should be a period of restraint to redress the balance of what has been a tremendous amount of development over the years , ’ he said , referring to the support the parish council had given to county and district while they were drawing up their local plans .
25 They tell a story that reaches back to neolithic man some 5,000 years ago , to the Roman occupation , to the many religious and military influences and the continuing threat of invasion over the years .
26 The mill had a number of owners over the years , its major business starting when , by the 1860s , it was taken over by Reece and Sandford .
27 The next mill downstream has had a variety of names over the years : Russell Mill , Lowes Mill and more recently , Malvern Mill .
28 There have been numerous examples of varying degrees of seriousness over the years .
29 If I had developed some measure of showmanship over the years , I felt it was not much use to me or anyone else while I sat in my office and let junior producers have all the fun .
30 The committee backed a motion by Holyhead councillor Alan Pritchard , recognising the station 's contribution to the economy of Gwynedd over the years .
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