Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] came to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Thus ‘ normative-re-educative ’ strategies for change came to be regarded as important .
2 An applicant for entry came to be interviewed .
3 As a result , overtones of totality came to be attached to the word — for example , he 's altogether washed up — and the term still denotes absolute nakedness .
4 In the course of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the Law Merchant , apart from maritime law and prize law ( see p. 40 ) , was absorbed into the Common Law ; thus the law of such matters as Bills of Exchange came to be part of the law of the land , and came to have a specially English character .
5 Instead of being perceived simply as agents of the shareholders the board of directors came to be viewed as an organ of the company which for many purposes could be treated as the company .
6 Citizenship in this broad sense embodied , in Marshall 's view , a principle of equality which was in conflict with the inequalities engendered by the capitalist economy ; and the extension of the rights of citizenship came to be a major theme in the programmes of socialist parties , whereas in the conservative reaction of the 1980s , above all in Britain , social rights in particular were strongly criticized as promoting what was called a ‘ dependency culture ’ .
7 Thus the unique authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God came to be stressed with a quite new sharpness over against the established teaching .
8 Going to another church ( of the Presbyterian Church of England ) my love of God came to be the central factor in my life , and aged almost sixteen I told my headmistress with quiet confidence that I wished to be ordained .
9 The redistributive impact of the state has been analysed in terms of the effect of a specified set of taxes and expenditures , but no attempt has been made to examine how particular types of policy came to be adopted .
10 It was because these two radically different approaches to a single subject matter , man , were barely distinguishable that the varieties of man came to be discussed under such vaguely defined labels as " peoples " , " races " , " nations " , " tribes " , and , more recently , " cultures " , " language groups " , " speech communities " , " social formations " .
11 If only one could apply the same tests to people , she thought , and of course in a way one did ; but as life went on this kind of choice came to be a luxury — one took what came one 's way .
12 The treaty of Brétigny had been termed the ‘ Great Peace ’ ; that of Troyes came to be known , at least in English circles , as the ‘ Final Peace ’ .
13 Even here , as the fact of policing came to be established , opposition was not to the police per se , but to specific operations or tactics .
14 The general theory of relativity links the gravitational force and the structure of space–time , and so we should begin with a few remarks on the gravitational force and then explain how it was that the classical or Newtonian view of gravitation came to be seen as unsatisfactory .
15 BRITISH Rail has launched an investigation to discover how a herd of cows came to be wandering down the Saltburn-Darlington line last week .
16 In particular the conviction that any charge for interest is morally wrong was modified only very gradually , and only in part ; though low rates of interest came to be accepted as a necessity , high rates were still thought wrong .
17 The difficulty for the historian is that evidence for how councillors were elected is often lacking , and one does not know how many freemen could participate in choosing them , nor when membership of councils came to be filled by the choice of the existing councillors .
18 So the one issue remaining on Woolwich 's writ of summons came to be whether or not Woolwich had grounds for claiming interest on the three payments which they had made from their respective dates up to 31 July 1987 .
19 The received wisdom about reform came to be that ‘ research shows that nothing works ’ , that ‘ whatever you do to offenders makes no difference ’ , although this was always an exaggeration .
20 Such fluctuations in the unemployment rate as were observed in practice came to be interpreted as fluctuations in the natural rate itself , not as deviations , temporary or otherwise , from the natural rate .
21 This and a similar arrangement by Kenneth II for lands in Lothian came to be regarded by the English as an admission that Scottish rulers were not equals but vassals in relation not merely to a few specific regions but to the whole of Scotland — which had never been contemplated by the Scottish signatories .
22 The belief that men should be trained for a narrow role in life came to be challenged ; it was argued that they should have some knowledge of the liberal arts , the ‘ finer ’ things in life .
23 In the inter-war years , for example , transfer fees rose dramatically , the job of manager was defined , and revenue from advertising came to be more important .
24 There was so much new knowledge in science , and degrees in science came to be seen as an alternative to degrees in classics or mathematics rather than as something to be done afterwards as an optional extra , or taken as a merely voluntary course of lectures .
25 I in fact came to be confirmed by mistake !
26 After the downfall of the Black Douglases at Threave in 1455 , Bothwell reverted to the Crown and in time came to be held by the Red Douglases .
27 For the people as a whole , therefore , the destruction of the Temple and the exile to Babylon came to be viewed as a dramatic realization of these doom prophecies , and proof of the absolute power of the jealous God Yahweh , and — harnessing these concepts to their own pragmatic ends — the exiles set about ridding themselves of all impurity in an effort to regain his favour .
28 Consequently , the jobs available to youths came to be known as dead-end' jobs or as ‘ blind-alley ’ employment in this period of history .
29 Easy to understand how the road to hell came to be paved with them .
30 Because grants to courtiers came to be seen as an abuse , monopolies to individuals were prohibited in 1624 , but corporations could still receive them and they continued to be the basis for trade outside Europe in the seventeenth century .
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