Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] than we have " in BNC.

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1 This is an attempt to bring a greater level of uniformity than we have achieved so far , but we are bound by agreements made at the time of amalgamation and we can not undermine or contradict those particular decisions , and that 's why in a few cases , particularly in relation to the size of conference , there is some slight imbalance .
2 Industrial placement of students is not a problem — we have more offers of places than we have students .
3 Many field studies have used much higher loads of carbohydrate than we have because their main rationale was the ability to greatly increase available substrate without incurring a substantial osmotic penalty .
4 No Government could have done more against crime than we have , and no future Government would be able to do more than we will .
5 It will provide for far more cross-European co-operation against crime than we have ever known .
6 Another effect of high fertility plus high mortality in the nineteenth century was a much wider age spread between siblings than we have been familiar with in the twentieth century , with the older siblings ( if they survived ) being on the verge of adulthood while their younger brothers and sisters were still being born .
7 But that would take us deeper into philosophy than we have space to go .
8 The head teacher explains : ‘ Respect involves more distance between people than we have here . ’
9 ‘ She died in our midst six weeks later having got a swifter visa to eternity than we have to South Africa but we know she goes with us in spirit and will help our endeavours far more powerfully from above , ’ said Sister Bernadette .
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