Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] about a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Midland chief executive Brian Pearse admitted : ‘ There has been quite a lot of conjecture about a merger with another leading clearing bank in the United Kingdom .
2 On examining the pattern of soiling it was possible to see a correlation between the times the parents had a build-up of tension about a difference of opinion and the times David began to retain his faeces .
3 You set a blurb or something in proper Caledonia and then in Neue-Caledonia and it hits you that the Neue-Caledonia has gone all sort of thin and sharp and it 's the perfection of that shape there and the old one sort of boings about a bit and looks happy on the page .
4 Pope also confirmed that Miller was widely read in high circles because when staying in Bath in 1743 , he wrote to the Earl of Marchmont about a meeting there with Lord Chesterfield who had told him that ‘ your Lordship is got a-head of all the Gardening Lords and that you have distanc 'd Lord Burlington and Lord Cobham in the true scientific parts , but he is studying before you and has here lying before him those Thesarurus 's from which he affirms you draw all knowledge , Miller 's Dictionaries . ’
5 ‘ Just a difference of opinion about a job . ’
6 Questions were raised in the House of Commons about a group of local hippies arrested early in 1967 , and local MPs vied with each other to be in the vanguard of efforts to control the ‘ army of secret drug takers in the area … ( who need to be ) brought back from the brink of madness ’ ( Newcastle Evening Chronicle : 27 February 1967 ) .
7 A frequent comment of observers about a prisoner in for a serious offence like murder is that he shows no remorse .
8 I do not suppose that the ultimate mental component of the universe is some spooky , all-embracing mind that is more real than flesh-and-blood people , nor that we should treat the state or community as a real person with a distinct interest or point of view or even welfare of its own , nor that we can ask the range of questions about a state 's principles — for example whether it accepted them freely or was misled or misunderstands them — that we can ask about aspects of a real person 's moral life .
9 And how often , as the understudy trembles in the wings awaiting the rise of the curtain , does the real actor appear , full of apologies about a power failure on the Underground or the traffic on the Westway .
10 At least there would have been some measure of impersonality about a restaurant , whereas here , trapped in the confines of her small office with Luke so close , there was a definite air of intimacy .
11 You may well require a pile of paper about a foot high , because the techniques employed require wide margins and much blank space .
12 ‘ Well , sir , it 's not so irrelevant because while he was in that curacy there was some sort of row about a boy in the youth club .
13 A dictionary provides different kinds of information about a word .
14 ‘ the notion of public interest has its limitations and in many cases it will not be served by dissemination of information about a person charged with a criminal offence or it must yield to the need to secure a fair trial for such a person .
15 He would hear news of her , which he would find hard to bear , because a fragment of information about a familiar who has suddenly become perplexing is so insufficient as to be nearly intolerable .
16 ANALYSTS AND THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT Analysts may not view the annual report as the best source of information about a company , but they do prefer the cash flow statement to the funds flow statement
17 Module headers are the sole source of information about a LIFESPAN module , so that :
18 List the sorts of information about a planet that could be obtained by radar and which would be difficult to obtain by other means .
19 The form used was complicated but could not compensate for the deficiencies of information about a population that was still highly mobile and still undergoing the stresses of war .
20 He achieved little on the first day that he spent ‘ in the field ’ but on the second day he got into conversation with a group of men about a puppy that one was carrying .
21 Ferranti 's move came in the wake of complaints about a market turndown from rivals such as Racal and Thomson CSF — the French group which may bid for Ferranti with British Aerospace .
22 ‘ During the last few weeks , we have , therefore , been talking to the board of the Bank of Edinburgh about a number of options which might reduce the protracted time-scales that affected the proposal .
23 If the council receives a large number of letters about a development , this will give it an idea of the strength of feeling involved and it is much better than a petition .
24 A curtilage is a small and necessary area of land about a building ( Dyer v Dorset CC [ 1989 ] QB 346 ) .
25 The Privy Council is then found referring to arbitration a dispute between two foreigners , hearing the submission and apology of a merchant for speaking offensively about the Queen , instructing sheriffs to send up a note of the number of prisoners in their gaols , ordering mayors of seaports to prepare private ships to serve in the navy against the expected Spanish invasion , telling its agents at the Hague to arrange for the purchase of matches for guns , sending off various warrants , organizing the acquisition of copper for the Queen 's service , delegating the decision in a legal action to the J.P.s of Bedfordshire , permitting the taking of a collection on behalf of a Cornish village despoiled by Spaniards , and writing to the Lord Mayor of London about a complaint against his predecessor .
26 Even when the idea of ‘ open marriage ’ enjoyed a degree of popularity about a decade ago , only a handful of married couples actually took on lovers with mutual consent .
27 A final point to make here is that another effect of silent viewing of video is the interest it generates and the way this manifests itself in commitment to a point of view about a scene .
28 Even in this case we can consider the translation to be a special case of rotation about a centre infinitely far away .
29 Zouher Kabbara and his cousin Nadim Kabbara had been arrested at Rome airport with half a kilo of heroin about a month before Coleman arrived on Cyprus .
30 The old Theatre Royal in Dunlop Street soon followed , and it seemed that a new age had been ushered in as the gas light glinted on the crystal chandeliers and the illuminati of Glasgow clustered like moths about a bundle of bunsen-burners .
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