Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] if [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The report then expressed the opinion that certain workmen should be eligible for re-employment if they sought it but not in any circumstances for election as shop stewards ; and that other workmen should not be offered re-employment .
2 He is backed by another director , Nigel Burrows , and has indicated that he would install Bobby Charlton as chairman if he wins control of the club .
3 For burglary if you have n't got locks on
4 Theyll have to give us the trophy for keeps if we win it again in the next quarter century .
5 My hon. Friend the Minister for Public Transport may say a few words about funding if he feels that it is appropriate .
6 The travelling , the exigencies of the business , the constant promotional activity , prolonged absences , his own mercurial nature , made life difficult for Susy if she stayed at home and not much better if she accompanied James on the circuit , something she never much liked to do .
7 There may not be much room in the house you are sharing with your parents for a baby , perhaps , or he may be worried about money if you intend giving up work .
8 Mark a D for difficulty if you think that expectation will cause you some difficulty .
9 A Department of Agriculture might function more effectively for agriculture if it did not take on , unnecessarily and confusingly , a role in food marketing .
10 Private investors would only be in an equally good position as institutions if they owned Topic screens and could get through on the phone to their broker as quickly as the big fund manager .
11 She almost felt sympathy for Marc if he imagined he could change what was deeply ingrained in Peter 's nature .
12 Barristers may not be sued for negligence if they botch a case in court ; nor as a general rule is their incompetence a ground of appeal against conviction .
13 Among the pairs children learned , at least in my day , were items like black/white ( which only make sense as antonyms if you have studied physics ) , north/south ( ditto ) , day/night ( though in the context of fashion , the appropriate opposition is day/evening ) and long/short ( like old/ young , a continuum or pseudo-opposite ) .
14 A registered elector over the age of twenty-one may be a candidate if not disqualified , but in addition people may stand for election if they have occupied property , been resident or had their main place of work in the area for at least twelve months .
15 After all , bishops could not announce the correct date for Easter if they had no mathematicians to call upon .
16 They would happily ask for permission if they intended to organise a big march through a major city .
17 But it is worth making the point that for instance if we take a look after eighteen fifteen of , at the wars .
18 If we did not have certain terms , for instance if we did not have a word ‘ orange ’ as well as a word ‘ yellow ’ , it is easy to imagine that we would not have a concept of the corresponding colours ; indeed the fact that there is nothing natural or necessary about colour terms is proved , as one of Saussure 's successors argued ( Hjelmslev 1961 : 52ff. ) by the fact that different languages divide up the colour spectrum differently .
19 For instance if one has a , a bucket of erm liquid helium , the helium will climb out of the bucket before your very eyes and empty .
20 When initial appointments are made over the telephone , for instance if someone telephones to ask about vacancies , these should also be confirmed in writing .
21 But poetry can appear " light " , for instance if it lacks the explicitly solemn moralizations of a Langland .
22 For instance if I take the sentence ‘ I woke up late this morning ’ the items present in the sequence are obviously different from one another ; but according to Saussurean theory we make sense of this sentence by implicitly relating it to items which are absent from the sequence but equivalent to those in it , for instance ‘ You went down early that afternoon ’ .
23 When they rise to an equal level , like for instance if I have a choice between going to a woman doctor and a man doctor and they 're both on the GP list , I will choose the woman , because the woman has had to fight tooth and nail , probably , and work much harder , to get at an equal level with the man , so I would suspect that I 'm getting value for and quality there by going for the woman .
24 Erm for instance if I feel I 've got to give Philip something er a tin of sweets is acceptable to both to both sexes is n't it ?
25 He would be able to walk , and any work would be aiming to improve the quality of his walking , for instance if he had a slight limp .
26 Asda for instance if you know the supermarket chain er now have er property services on their prem premises .
27 For instance if you translate ‘ neighbourly behaviour ’ into ‘ altruism ’ or ‘ community ’ you are immediately into all the problems discussed from Tönnies and Durkheim onwards ( i.e. how and why solidarity is built upon kinship , common place , occupation , religion and so on ) .
28 For instance if you 've missed your eighteen hundred on year two , if you put in three thousand six hundred
29 I mean you think about primal hunting adults like the bushmen or the Australian Aborigines , the the men do the , do the hunting for erm for meat and women do the , do the gathering for and the point is that er meat is very nutritious and it 's an important part of their diet and men go hunting and they come back and they share food with their wives and their relatives or someone and male parental investment is terribly important So women for instance if you ask David McKnight who 's a world authority on the Australian Aborigines and has spent many years living with them , say what do women look for in the traditional society , what do women look for in a husband ?
30 I think it 's fair to say that with this new computer erm the box office that we 've got a lot of information can be stored on that and in future we 'll be using a much more erm sophisticated in a scientific way for instance if you came here and book that seat that your sitting in tonight we would know on that computer what type of show that your discouraging coming to erm we can say to you we can send you out a leaflet saying the kind of er things that you 'd like to see are on at the playhouse on such and such a date and we could even say to you would you like the seat that you normally sit in .
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