Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] if we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Theyll have to give us the trophy for keeps if we win it again in the next quarter century .
2 But it is worth making the point that for instance if we take a look after eighteen fifteen of , at the wars .
3 If we did not have certain terms , for instance if we did not have a word ‘ orange ’ as well as a word ‘ yellow ’ , it is easy to imagine that we would not have a concept of the corresponding colours ; indeed the fact that there is nothing natural or necessary about colour terms is proved , as one of Saussure 's successors argued ( Hjelmslev 1961 : 52ff. ) by the fact that different languages divide up the colour spectrum differently .
4 Predation between invertebrates if we confine ourselves in the macro sense and exclude zooplankton feeding invertebrates is mainly due to mobile forms attacking and feeding upon sessile forms .
5 We did the shopping together ; we went out for walks if we felt like it .
6 What about Toby if we get some , he desperately needs some because he
7 One of the conditions of the original purchase from Wedgwood was that it could buy back the house for £1 if we had not completed the restoration within five years .
8 Of course if we had children , finding time together would be more difficult but after David 's well-publicised vasectomy , that 's not a possibility .
9 We could have been bound to pay enormous sums of money if we had lost . ’
10 But we have to do it , they 'd be absolutely down on us like a ton of bricks if we did n't .
11 Seventh of January if we 've got it
12 They have to follow school routines , ca n't swear , smoke , or call the staff by their first names and we will use physical means of punishment if we have to , if they 're naughty .
13 We did n't invite friends with Mother being placed as she was , but if neighbours called they would be offered a glass of something , usually home-made ginger cordial , and a bit of cake if we had it .
14 Our existence would lack even an Adamic fig leaf of meaning if we ignored our capacity to glide over our past , coalescing and juxtaposing our memories , irrespective of their temporal spatial or circumstantial labels .
15 It would be a pretty poor state of affairs if we abandoned our traditional puddings , leaving only the tourists to appreciate them .
16 Sartre said that we must invent the heart of things if we wish one day to discover it , and it is to this end that sensation is the beginning of a transformational process and not an end .
17 God has set the seed of his Spirit in our hearts and intends to produce in us a crop of lovely qualities of character if we do not grieve the Spirit ( Eph. 4:30 ) by wilful disobedience or neglect .
18 It seems that it makes more sense to the majority of people if we tell you how much faster ( or slower ) than a common reference machine the test machine is .
19 It is easier to understand the attractiveness of his doctrines for the mass of people if we bear in mind that Wycliffe had claimed that property was sinful .
20 ‘ But we 'll get out of trouble if we keep battling like we did today .
21 Such vast periods of time baffle the imagination , but we can form some idea of the relative duration of the major phases of the history of life if we compare the entire span , from these first beginnings until today , with one year .
22 I do n't think we will talk sensibly about a Decade of Evangelism if we give a cross theology second or third place in our preaching .
23 We do not want to have a future relationship of United States and Latin America reproduced in South Africa , which so many people talk about now when they talk about South Africa as the engine of growth if we have that kind of growth it 'll be distorted and none of the poor in South Africa or the region will benefit from it .
24 We could be closed out of a lot of markets if we do n't employ environmentally sound principles . ’
25 If nothing else , he 'd want some sort of come-back if we cheated him after he handed over the money . ’
26 Its conclusion is that we can only hope to show that we understand propositions about the mental states of others if we take there to be a non-contingent relation between mental states and behaviour , and thus remove the possibility that the two should come apart .
27 Organizations are political systems and we need to recognize the sources and manifestations of power if we hope to understand the behaviour of individuals or groups within them .
28 ‘ It 's no use investing a great deal in youngsters like Robinson if we do n't give them the chance to prove themselves .
29 ‘ We must win the game against Japan if we want to reach the quarter-finals .
30 " Do you think we could salvage her for meat if we bled her ? "
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