Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] which [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For reasons which never seem quite convincing , given the tediousness of the material and the fact that the three do not even believe in it , this becomes an obsessive hobby over a period of years .
2 It was a turbulent time for college principals , and many were unable to cope with the urgent demands for change which constantly assailed them — not least from their own undergraduates .
3 In emphasising how theoretical study can be applied , in practice we are equally conscious of how the application of ideas in a wide range of specific context can contribute to the ‘ academic ’ pursuit of identifying general theories and models , traditionally taught and still to be taught through disciplines which often impose rather arbitrary boundaries of content .
4 He had a weak head for liquor which always roused up his deep , if sentimental , religious feelings .
5 I 'd distinguish between cases which clearly involve relationships of authority , institutional relationships of authority , from those which involve people whose relationships are social or informal .
6 Studies of cognition which seek to elucidate the nature or that cultural order which we might impose upon or recognize in the world may well be concerned with the classification of objects , but they generally fail to acknowledge , let alone address , the difference between artefacts such as cutlery which already incorporate categorization in their manufac-turer , and objects such as trees which do not ( e.g. Rosch 1978 : 30–5 ) .
7 They are based on good teaching practice , and many teachers are already aware of their value as methods which neither pre-empt pupils ' responses nor suggest that there is one orthodox , accepted interpretation .
8 They can also create audiences for books which before had only a slight following , and sometimes the making of a film leads to success for the author of the book on which the film was based simply as an author .
9 So all in all an excellent result for Washroom which now looks to be a good stable portfolio increasing at a respectable rate .
10 Julia Smith left after reviews which unanimously declared her £10 million brainchild a disaster of monumental proportions .
11 Counties Leitrim , Louth and Mayo have been named after towns which nowadays have shrunk to the size of villages .
12 Not only the statesmen of the age but also public opinion , partly sheltered from the realities of war by the employment of mainly professional armies , were untouched by the enthusiasm for peace which usually prompted such schemes and indifferent to the dreams which they embodied .
13 It referred to the possibility of " membership of the organization for countries which fully share OECD values and characteristics and are willing and able to meet the obligations of membership " ( and specifically noted the interest of South Korea and Mexico in OECD membership ) .
14 Chalmers 's form has been quite a contrast to last season , when he was often indecisive in his play and tended to look for gaps which rarely existed before passing or kicking .
15 Attempts to make the arts accountable by submitting them to forms of assessment which properly belong elsewhere may actually make them appear wanting by looking for inappropriate forms of proof .
16 This can also be said of many of the larger species of Cichlasoma which often end up as pets for a number of reasons .
17 A strand of hair which normally covers his bald patch has fallen away to rest in seaweedy strings on his padded shoulder , drying as we speak .
18 The landlord , a thin ashpole of a man , completely bald except for a stray lock of hair which constantly drooped over his eyes , wiped his greasy hands on a dirty apron , served them and scurried off .
19 ‘ We had the good fortune to have fixed ropes in place all the way down but there were gusts of 100mph which literally lifted us up off our feet and threw us back down again , ’ said Harry .
20 It was precisely the moral , ethical dimension of communism which initially made it impossible for Nizan not to join the party and work within its ranks .
21 The AA tends to provide this through one major firm of solicitors which then instructs others around the country on an agency basis .
22 And that in fact what we already have in this county is a balance of policies which substantially favour environmental protection and this is just a means of adding another one which is another hurdle for any department to erm to actually er meet .
23 It was , he claimed , a piece of bitumen which assuredly had once formed part of the hull of Noah 's Ark , and had great value in the averting of mischief .
24 The mathematical precision which went into the development of hieroglyphics and the invention of paper resulted in an efficient and scientific method of building which still remains a mystery to modern day man .
25 Then , eighteen months later , we had an exceptional stroke of luck which entirely transformed the position .
26 One of the major problems of building a theory of soil erosion is the high degree of contingency which always accompanies any explanation of soil erosion at a particular place .
27 These were based on different understandings of racism which apparently led to radically divergent programmes of educational reform .
28 More seriously , forms of discipline and surveillance may be developed to police — and hopefully deter — discriminatory behaviour in public settings , whilst the informal cultures of racism which actually sustain these practices are relegated to an untouchable realm of ‘ private attitude ’ .
29 Under the 1961 Constitution an executive President is directly elected for a five-year term , as are the 49-member Senate and 196-member Chamber of Deputies which together make up the National Congress .
30 Here is a typical sentence from an RPF speech ( 18 June 1949 ) : " The new threat may not be far away ; while the horizon darkens , we see those waves of baseness which often precede the hurricane …
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