Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] had [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , he enters 1991 without an economic plan or budget ( so everyone is having to improvise with last year 's targets ) , and without a prime minister to blame for mismanagement ( Nikolai Ryzhkov , who for months had been under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined anyway , had a heart attack on December 25th ) .
2 Since 1914 millions of Russians had been on the move — four to five million away from the advancing armies of the Central Powers ; at least twelve million fleeing into exile during and after the Revolution ; the largest land army in the world manoeuvring , dying , and deserting from the longest front-line in history — to give the major examples alone , with very approximate numbers .
3 Here , the appropriate leader of change had been in some doubt .
4 To quote Bethe : ‘ It is difficult to describe to a non-scientist the novelty of the new concept … it was to me , who had been rather closely associated with the programme , about as surprising as the discovery of fission had been to physicists in 1939 . ’
5 Sir Bryan of course had been in touch with the Chief Constable about the security and policing of the tournament .
6 Lord James told the committee an extension of hours had been under consideration since the 1970s .
7 Many of us wished that the same breadth of opportunity had been on offer in our own day .
8 His first impression of Galvone had been of a mobster , but Newman had met other reasonably honest Americans holding high positions who had made the same initial impression .
9 Previously , allocation of funds had been on a per capita student basis , but this changed to a research project grant system .
10 One former member of the Royal Corps of Signals had been to Hong Kong preventing the ‘ illegal entry of persons ’ , which would have come in handy for protecting intruders at Goldfinger 's headquarters .
11 By the end of the year he had obtained livery of his spiritualities and temporalities , although a protracted and bitter dispute ensued for over a year with Archbishop Walter Reynolds [ q.v. ] over the sums Hamo claimed as due to him for vacancy , during which the see of Rochester had been in the archbishop 's hands .
12 The camp was a most as noisy as the point of work had been during the day .
13 Both sets of parents had been against the marriage , but she and Gordon had persisted , drawn closer by the opposition .
14 Everyone he had met in Fontanellato had been very kind , a good deal kinder than the people of Štanjel had been to his successor ; which was encouraging .
15 There were few new books added each year and I would think that a great number of volumes had been in the Library from its opening in 1905 .
16 The trend of things had been for agricultural land to go out of production because it was easier to earn a living working in Israel .
17 It had n't What kind of things had been in the past ?
18 After the 1987 election , scarcely more than a tenth ( eleven per cent ) of MPs had been at the school .
19 The Judaization of Jerusalem had been under way since the Israelis occupied the whole city in 1967 , but this was the first occasion on which Jews had moved into the Christian Quarter .
20 This shape of coffin had been in use throughout western Europe since at least the middle of the fourteenth century , as shown by an illuminated manuscript in the Royal Library , Brussels , depicting the burial of victims of the Great Plague of Tournai in 1349 .
21 There had been heated argument in the Supreme Soviet about the method of electing a President , and for over a week members of the opposition Democratic Party of Tadjikistan had been on hunger strike in support of popular elections .
22 If Laura dropped in conversation that a piece of furniture had been in the family for generations , who was to argue ?
23 As I said before , the unity of Judaism had been in question since the time of Alexander .
24 His first feelings of love had been for that gloriously liberated and beautiful tomboy .
25 It has been shown that most suicide attempters are aware of the existence of agencies where they could obtain help , such as the general practitioner , social workers , or the Samaritans ( Kreitman and Chowdhury 1973b ) ; in fact , a significant proportion of attempters had been in touch with one or more of these agencies in the weeks preceding the attempt ( Bancroft et al. 1977 ) .
26 The conference heard that out of 732 post-mortem examinations — on victims of the Air India Boeing which crashed into the Atlantic near Cork , Zeebrugge , Piper Alpha , Lockerbie and Kegworth — 80.22 per cent of identifications had been through dentistry records .
27 During this time I was able to develop some understanding of the sorts of backgrounds my interviewees came from , what their hopes , fears , values and experiences of life had been like before they joined the movement and how these might have changed since .
28 President François Mitterrand of France had been on board the yacht two days previously during a private visit .
29 Pre-Windscale , he recalled , two Secretaries of State had been on a collision course .
30 The average age of central committee members fell from 52 to 47 ; an increased proportion of members had been in the party for less than 15 years .
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