Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] i [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 That does not mean , he wrote , that if the body does not protest the project necessarily has any value , though for reasons I have gone into already it is necessary to put such thoughts out of mind , they can not help , they can only hinder , they can not water , they can only blight .
2 In my view , for reasons I have set forth at length elsewhere , I believe that the philosophy of animal rights is the right philosophy .
3 If there 's erm For instance I 've had a situation where on a medical practice booklet because we er hand back a hundred pound for every full page that we we gain in the medical practice booklet , er it 's an encouragement for if we 're just a quarter of a half page short , er for the practice to say you know we 'll get for another hundred quid we 'd all we need to do is make a couple of phone calls and threaten erm one or two of our patients .
4 For instance I have given one which is in the last ten years we have nearly one and half million more people in work than we had ten years ago .
5 You have spent most of your day sitting in your office while I , from seven o'clock this morning until ten tonight , have been at the beck and call of two old women ; I have seen to the needs of my child , and in between times I have cooked the meals and done whatever I could towards keeping this mausoleum clean . ’
6 All through tea I had waited for some indication on his part that he knew I had seen the girl — as he must have known , for it was obvious that the nocturnal concert had been given to announce her presence .
7 well , when I say that it 's the best opportunity for peace I 've seen in twenty years .
8 ‘ I know from the messages of support I have received from those in the arts world and elsewhere how much your leadership , interest and enthusiasm will be missed .
9 In relation to all the major types of support I have considered — the sharing of households , the giving or lending of money , the provision of practical support — the principle that support is most likely to be given if the advantage is mutual , or if there is a clear expectation that assistance will be given in return , is a prominent feature .
10 Kind of but a cross between the ringlets you do and the ringlets that I had and the type of hair I 've got .
11 I can swear to every pie I have swallowed , to every cup of sack I have gulped , to the few good women I have met and , thankfully , to every bad woman I have slept with .
12 And your setting will be even more integrated into your book than was the setting in the sort of story I have called a backgrounder .
13 ‘ It was the first bit of luck I 'd had since I first set eyes on you .
14 I had mentioned the unquantifiable public relationships which could be generated during a secondment and argued for the intangible value of the many hundreds of contacts I had made which could not easily be costed in purely fiscal terms .
15 Well I knew , when I was in , when we were at Donnington , living at Donnington , a couple of blokes I 've known there 's company sergeant majors and regimental sergeant majors in the Signals , I was walking through shed four , one day , I was doing , doing some mucking about with these folding boats for the RE 's
16 In a couple of minutes I had lost any chance of kinship with Sue by making one of the most basic mistakes .
17 Sure enough , within a couple of minutes I had raised a trucker .
18 But er then of course I got married and I never went to I used to do occasional stuff you know , but I never enjoyed it er
19 Of course I 'd seen pictures and I 've always wanted a guitar like that .
20 Anyway , I had an early lunch and I went out , but of course I 'd forgotten
21 Of course I 'd had newspapers , but I was n't able to feel inside the atmosphere outside .
22 But of course I 'd had a few drinks , and I had n't worn my glasses anyway , so when the time came to meet her I was n't quite sure what she looked like .
23 I must have stood next to them in the Tube , passed them in the street , of course I 've overheard them and I knew they existed .
24 And of course I 've seen her blazing in that dress of hers when she kicked off against someone .
25 Of course I 've seen it , I 'm on his mailing list .
26 Of course I 've seen the reports !
27 Of course I 've done something about it .
28 Yes , sorry , of course I 've heard of ploughs .
29 " Of course I 've heard .
30 Of course I 've heard the theory that he was going to visit old Jordan . ’
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