Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] that we do " in BNC.

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1 About one hundred million years ago , for reasons that we do not understand , the ammonite dynasty began to dwindle .
2 the range of products that we do .
3 But the danger is of course that we do n't cover everybody .
4 Now it could be said of course that we do n't offer the same kind of very intense opportunities that are on offer to undergraduates , but in some senses , and many adults have testified to this , this is an advantage , because it enables people in their own time , and sometimes over a fairly prolonged period , to explore with a tutor , a scholar , the kind of interests that they have in the issues that have concerned them in society .
5 Perhaps I should just say a word about that that operation since you 've raised it , because it is one type of job that we do , that is taking part in a rather large group , in this case sponsored by the Commonwealth Secretariat at the request of the government of Uganda after the fall of erm of Amin , to assess the rehabilitation needs of the country and to suggest what policies should be priority policies for their point of view and what contribution could be made by other countries through aid and erm other ways of technical assistance and fellowships for training and so forth , to help in this rehabilitation .
6 And I 'm going to get some tapes to Clare and the letter writing stuff , find out about a photocopying account , talk to about more tapes , transcription notes , erm meeting log forms , demographic transcription , and editing of transcription that we do .
7 Crewe says : ‘ We are not going for numbers — we have to stay contained to offer the level of service that we do and meet the needs of our existing customer base . ’
8 Without it we could not possibly deliver the high quality of service that we do .
9 Okay Well and you 've seen the video so you 'll be aware of the sort of things that we do here .
10 . Let me say now , that most of things that we do in this part of the course , I do n't ask you to tell me what you 've written down , stress is a very personal thing , your reaction to it , so do n't worry , you write down anything that you want to write down , because it is for you .
11 ‘ It is a matter of policy that we do not comment on any private correspondence which has been sent to the national secretary . ’
12 We might just as well ask why , when we try to recall visually some period in the past , we find in our memory just the few meagre arbitrarily chosen set of snapshots that we do find there , the faded poor souvenirs of passionate moments .
13 Now can I er also suggest to you that in discussing this one outstanding item of the housing land allocations , we pursue virtually the same sort of approach that we did yesterday , er and in fact if you look at what is set down under matter One D for discussion , it says is the provision proposed for the Greater York area including the new settlement appropriate etcetera , and in fact when you look at the first item for discussion under the Greater York new settlement issue , we come straight into , does Greater York new settlement represent an appropriate and justified policy response , etcetera .
14 ‘ No , the soul is in two parts : the gros bon ange is the big good angel , the part that deals with instinct and all the functions of life that we do without thinking about . ’
15 The last ten days gradually it has been coming back since the really trough period in late January with the war and the snow , etc. , and in fact this week erm we 're expecting this week to probably do double the level of bookings that we did last week , and that 's on overseas holidays for summer and winter .
16 Other Council 's like Harlow do have central policy units which is what we would be described as , because people recognition that it 's important that you need to have people who are outside departments looking at the organisation as a whole , what it 's doing , where it 's going , how it 's being influenced by external organisation 's , i.e. what the Health Service are doing locally , or what the Government 's doing more significantly , erm , I think you need people looking around to see how the Council 's affected and what , what were doing in and taking an overall view and responding in that way and that 's the kind of thing that we do and that 's why were here .
17 I think really what we want to do is to decide whether or not we are using the annual report as a a list of jobs that we did last year .
18 But a handful of physicists are prepared to accept the notion of psychic healing on the basis that there is some new sort of energy that we do not yet understand .
19 Some of the erm people are in hospital there for problems that we do n't have in this country .
20 Further sections of this pattern would then go into subsequent stitch pattern areas , but bear in mind that we do not wish to overflow the memory , while the next section of 88 squares will fill the working memory .
21 Erm for what it 's worth , I 'll give you my suggestions about what we should do as far as ticket prices are concerned er , having taken in a view of the most important factor of the treasurer 's comments but also bearing in mind that we did have high recurring expenses this year , which wo n't apply in future and we 're not here to make money .
22 The changes have been more fundamental and some of them may have affected us in ways that we do not immediately recognise .
23 Environmentalists have been particularly alarmed by the disappearance of this whole network of species for reasons unknown , for it demonstrates a world that is changing in ways that we do not understand .
24 We got the Gilbey bar but I no the answer to that question would be if any company or org organisation was prepared or wished to talk about funding the theatre in any way and I think were 'd be more than welcome to sit down with and talk them and say well how would you perceive that which way would you like to go about it how can we assist that and I think we 're be open to suggestions from them how they see it I mean you know it could be seats it could be programmes it could be any any arrange of things that we 'd certainly welcome who approach us from companies but we I think we are pro-active in sense that we do n't wait for that to happen we actually go out but was said early I think given the recession it has been difficult lately to actually go out to companies and say I mean sure companies like the Harlow Council find it extremely finance the finances extremely difficult on them and with the recession it 's really difficult for them to actually find funding and I know lot 's of companies who actually cutting back on it certain areas I think funding of oth outside organisations will be one of the areas they 'll be cutting back on .
25 ‘ There were loads of things we could have done in Madness that we did n't do because we were too young or whatever , ’ explains the singer .
26 We seem to be able to argue vigorously and passionately about anything and equally passionately on reflection that we did n't really need the rule and regulation in the first place .
27 Now , have n't you got questions on bearings that we did , have n't you , and notes on it ?
28 Yet the Japanese spend less per head on education that we do .
29 A question is an attention-focusing device , especially on things that we do not yet know but know that we do not know .
30 It is not easy for any of us to stop and chat to people that we do not know , but in ti me confidence grows .
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