Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] a [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Though the industry has the capacity to brew about 52m bulk barrels of beer a year the consumer is only drinking about 38m .
2 A MOTHER stabbed to death a pensioner the day after charges alleging he raped and indecently assaulted her four-year-old daughter were dropped , a court was told today .
3 For £180 a year the Legal Protection Group policy will pay up to £50,000 of lawyers ' bills in a single action .
4 For £30,000 a year the St Edmund 's Ladies ' College , based in a stately country home in Bury St Edmunds , will teach young women to be ‘ internationally comfortable and active ’ .
5 The French can supply perfect walnuts , but charge dear ; at £5000 a tonne the price is more than twice the price of California bits , and the reason is that the process is totally unmechanised .
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