Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] and [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Replacing the ad hoc Cabinet Mainland Affairs Task Force , the council was composed of the government departmental heads , with Vice-Premier Shih Chi-yang as chairman and up to three vice-chairmen .
2 Not only is there a great depth to the pressure for change , but it also exists on an enormously wide number of fronts — from the National Curriculum through assessment and on to open enrolment and the local management of schools and ( for some ) beyond that to grant maintained status or other ‘ exotics ’ .
3 Logica Plc is letting the Callserver Unix-based speech and call processing activities developed at its Cambridge research lab go in a management buyout for £187,000 and up to £1.3m over the next five years .
4 Logica Plc is letting the Callserver Unix-based speech and call processing activities developed at its Cambridge research lab go in a management buyout for £187,000 and up to £1.3m over the next five years .
5 Monsieur Truffer came in our car and directed us through Cherbourg and up to Bourbourg , which is on a hillside rising behind the east side of the Harbour .
6 Go through farmyard and on to road .
7 You can start at bronze for a period as short as three months through silver and up to gold which can take 18 months to complete .
8 Such a permit , which might cost £75 a year for cars and up to £750 for heavy lorries , would cost all motorway-users the same .
9 Since the causal chain passes through perception and on to the rest of the nervous system , perhaps triggering action , it must become physical again .
10 All workers are assumed to have continuous twice differentiable ( indirect ) utility of income functions , denoted by where denotes the net wage , which is given by w for non-unionists and by for paid-up unionists .
11 Again it runs from North Africa through Spain and up into the Alps .
12 For a song , too , because he had not been able to bear the thought of going back , meeting a valuer , walking about the house , picking things off shelves and out of cupboards .
13 They make their way down through the courtyard past the concierge 's busy-lizzies and geraniums in their cluster of terracotta and out onto the street where the Mercedes and driver are double-parked squeezing the traffic to an irascible trickle .
14 It knocked me straight out of paradise and back into reality . ’
15 Combat gear should stay out of clubs and back on squaddies and serial killers
16 This is something only you can judge , but most of the waters I fish respond well to a half-bucket of groundbait and up to a pint of maggots and/or fifty or sixty worms .
17 As you might expect , though , it is difficult to stop the loss of energy and plasma along the magnetic lines of force and out of the ends of these machines .
18 Jezrael swung herself breathless over a bar of rock and down into the wind-shadow of a huge erratic that faced the sharp-cut sunrise .
19 One takes me along St Mary 's Villas and Barrowclough Road , past the old municipal baths and the new DIY and wholesale paint centre ; while the other means cutting down Lennox Gardens , taking that street whose name I always forget into Rumsey Road , then past the row of shops and back into the High Street .
20 He led the way along a series of paths , up assorted flights of steps and out across a seemingly limitless expanse of finely mown rugby and hockey pitches that climbed the hillside in stepped succession .
21 er , we have in the East end of the village , including the pub , the farm , and various other properties , a certain type of properties that elevation , a certain sympathetic er amenity , and these buildings , I I heard the word mentioned earlier , I live in the country , I could live in the town , it does n't matter where I live , but these are not the sort of properties , in my opinion , that should be put on this particular site , er and they 're they 're totally , all our own elevations and plans of height , and they are totally and utterly out of proportion and out of scale with the present day entrance to the village , and whilst we 're not talking totally and utterly about looks , if you come down into the village they are going to be totally over powering , particularly in the , in the actual , in this situation of no hedges and that kind of thing ,
22 In the end , it was relatively easy to steal through the darkened halls of Tara and out into the night .
23 She flounced away from him , past Katherine and out of the room .
24 By the late eleventh century the hand of Cluny was felt in houses spread all over the north of Spain and down into Italy , even to La Cava near Naples and over into Sicily , and also across the south and west of Germany in the movement which had its centre in Hirsau .
25 In 1813–14 the English were back in Bayonne , this time as the besiegers , when the Duke of Wellington 's army drove Napoleon 's troops out of Spain and back within their own borders .
26 All over the south and south-west of England and up into the midlands and the borders of Wales we may encounter ancient hill forts on hill tops or upper slopes , still marked by the visible line of prehistoric ditches .
27 According to John Dunster , then a scientist with the AEA and now chairman of the NRPB , the main radioactive cloud travelled south-east across most of England and on over Europe .
28 Though she wanted to run , she forced herself to walk , with what she could only hope was regal grace , past Matthew and out of the confines of that cupboard .
29 ‘ At the same time , the Labour Party must always be the party committed to lifting people out of poverty and out of unemployment , ’ he said .
30 Christina was pleased to get her into the car without being mobbed , and drove quickly out of town and on to the coast-road .
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