Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] because it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This tactic does sometimes work , but it 's quite risky for Orcs because it ties up a lot of character points which you could well use elsewhere .
2 There 's a site to which this Society objected on Wetherby Road in Harrogate which we thought did n't need developing at all , but in practice the District Council decided they wanted it for industry because it considered the need for industry to be so great and we have along this frontage of Wetherby Road a row of three car showrooms and a token spot of industry behind it .
3 ‘ We need him as president because it takes him off the streets , ’ said his close pal , David Leopoulis .
4 As its great historian pointed out , " French became the language of states because it had become the language of courts and aristocracies " .
5 It is possibly the least effective method of change because it depends on two steps both of which are unnatural .
6 As World resources 1988–1989 ( World Resources Institute 1988 ) points out , development of this type was initially considered to be more advantageous than other types of agriculture because it required relatively little new infrastracture , it could utilise abundant available labour and there was an expanding North American market for cheap pasture-reared beef .
7 The thing is , I ca n't do the environment , well it 's not that I ca n't do it when I was talking to er to the tuto the form tutors yesterday er they 're biggest keen I think Catherine had happened to notice some work that Sandra had done that she found er , interesting enough and where the kids should be knowing about , it was about banking how to sign a cheque , how to look after finances erm you know , do I have to buy a pair of trainers because it 's got Reebok on them , this sort of thing .
8 A couple of lousy articles a month , stuff I make up and toss off and get no feeling from doing , just a feeling of disgust because it seems to be all I 'm fit for ! "
9 ‘ It was a kind of torture because it reminded me of how you made love . ’
10 The EC gets irritated at the mention of fraud because it fears that it weakens the Commission 's hand in GATT talks .
11 And even you 'll probably get one or two of them wrong occasionally but most of them 'll be right and when you get one or two of them wrong the teacher 'll say Oh not C K like desk for example not C K on the end of desk because it 's got this letter S in it as well .
12 Lewis sees this as a sort of snobbism because it rests on the uncritical acceptance of the notion that our contemporary culture and intellectual ideas are superior to the past simply because they are new .
13 This final item reduces the amount of recall because it occupies coding capacity which is normally occupied by the list of items .
14 The notion of ‘ adaptability ’ was always attractive to various groups of reformers because it appeared to promise so much .
15 Western agencies are very envious of Mossad because it relies not on huge arrays of computerised technology but on a small group of efficient and dedicated men and women who are not bothered by any form of morality so long as Israel benefits .
16 Pragmatism is a skeptical conception of law because it rejects genuine , nonstrategic legal rights .
17 The official compilation was of moment because it ensured that certain general claims of the papacy , and the specific reasons for these claims , were not lost sight of in the later history of the papacy .
18 For sure Cabinets were made and unmade on the floor of the House , but the Cabinet for its part could unmake the House of Commons because it enjoyed the right to ask for a dissolution and after the election it could look for support from amongst members in a new House of Commons .
19 The NRA displays such a terrifying range of weapons because it thinks it necessary .
20 Any company that that is n't in the business of paying claims is not going to be around anyway and I am concerned about the attitude of Roy because it does seem to be extremely one sided .
21 Wordsworth produced quantities of verse in the next forty-three years : I stress the exact number of years because it amounts to over half his lifetime , and certainly to two-thirds of his poetic existence .
22 The humble toad , so slow and cumbersome that it looks like easy pickings for any predatory mammal or bird , has survived for millions of years because it has managed to evolve a particularly virulent poison called bufotalin .
23 Being a writer is in itself a type of contradiction because it means that you are both an actor , a participant in the world and also an observer , an interpreter , a maker of meaning .
24 Erm als other problems which arose from the outline land law was in its deliberate ambiguity er in its deliberate erm tt sort of ambiguity because it left reg it left the law to be interpreted by regional areas which meant that how that erm in some places they totally misinterpreted the law but the Communist Party had to have this flexibility because China was such a vast country and you could n't just impose one policy per se across the country .
25 Grove said Motorola 's PowerPC chip will fit the niche workstation market without the mass appeal of Pentium because it does not immediately run Microsoft Corp software .
26 Adultery in effect is evidence of breakdown because it represents conduct , on the plane of sexual behaviour , which is outrageous and offensive to the other partner .
27 The argument developed in this chapter is of vital importance for the teaching of RE because it concerns deep-seated anxieties with religion which people have today .
28 His basic criticism of the system is that it makes little sense on the level of integrity because it makes only superficial sense of human desire and action and , therefore , only poor sense of human happiness .
29 Indeed , as William James implied in 1884 , emotion is a serious challenge to reflex models of behaviour because it implies experience without action .
30 According to Mr Hagger the company has lost many thousands of pounds because it paid for a loan that was not forthcoming .
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