Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] that [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A thing that 's really about accents that if you say to somebody , What accent do n't you like ?
2 SUCH is the power of coincidence that while I was actually writing the letter published on this page today — the one from a sad widow who 's beloved dog had died — a press release plopped onto my desk .
3 And you might well argue of course that if you are subsidizing films which have no cultural merit or whatever then why we are doing this and that , that would be a question to ask .
4 It had become so much a matter of routine that when she answered he came close to putting the phone down before he realized that all he 'd heard was , ‘ Hello . ’
5 Then , for the main course , she chose the steak-and-kidney pie , dripping gravy down her horrible blouse ( it 's the sort of blouse that when you see it in the shop you wonder how the shopkeeper intends to dispose of it because no one in their right mind would ever dream of swapping cash for it ) .
6 He and Peter have always been good friends and David is the type of lad that once he 's made friends with someone , he has made it for life , ’ says Brian Gedge .
7 Er they 're the sort of things that if you were if you were digging on a site you 'd find these every day , you 'd find an awful lots of them , er and they 're really what the people of the time think of as rubbish .
8 It is an old piece of advice that if you want to work in an area ( insurance , real estate or food ) you should spend some time working in that area .
9 It 's a fact of life that if you 're in any way well known , then you 're going to come in for criticism .
10 Well just colleagues about the Burnsall dispute erm er clearly and I 'm just anticipating the views of Congress that since we adopted a particularly way of making up the er Dispute Fund , I think we should certainly adopt exactly the same practice in relation
11 Where it breaks down and you get a governing body that is split down the middle , where you get staff who tend to who might tend to go in an opposite way to the head teacher , where you get parents who are asked to make difficult decisions as with an opt out ballot , then I think that you have to look very hard at the way that that school is managed and the way that it 's going in the future , because those are the sort of issues that unless you get those right the future for the school can not be as bright as it is for one where they are working as a team .
12 In Britain it seems to be a kind of tradition that if you refer to modern art at all , you make jokes about it .
13 I find on the balance of probabilities that if she did not achieve the necessary results for entry to college in the Summer of nineteen eighty seven , she would have achieved such grades by using the year Summer nineteen eighty seven to Summer nineteen eighty eight to re-site whatever was necessary .
14 Er that can be bad because if , if only from the point of view that when you get back you 've got nothing to talk about because they were there and saw and did it all you see .
15 Then , since there is no believing without some doubting and since believing is all the stronger for understanding and resolving doubt , we can say as Christians that if we doubt in believing it is also true that we believe in doubting .
16 Slowly Maura went to get her coat , hoping against hope that if she took long enough Margaret would get fed up and go home .
17 I think for a lot of people , yes , it does , and though the pile of bricks obviously comes under Art with a capital A , crafts perhaps has not suffered quite as much , but I think there is the feeling amongst people that if they get a pot which is , shall we say non-function and wo n't pour , then is it art or craft ?
18 unnamed that is not true and I do agree with Mr that when we make a decision to close some homes that they should be named to avoid the terrible indecision which exists at the moment .
19 I can say to you right now with confidence that if I 'd asked you to start writing er a list of the categories that people er that you think might advertise in these you 'd probably get about twenty five .
20 Havant in the UK — which does make disk drives ; Jrfalla , making printers in Sweden ; Valencia , making low-end ES/9000s in Spain , and at least a part of the big Montpelier mainframe and chips complex in France , are being re-classified as autonomous business units under their own managements , free to seek work outside as well as where they can from within IBM , but they are under notice that if they ca n't demonstrate that they can operate profitably in 12 months , they will be closed .
21 Yes I I would agree with that but I wondered , I think perhaps it should be the finance committee , I mean cos I understood that most of these these items are contained within the existing budget , because I mean the individual committees do have have the power to the monies within their own , and I it has it I would agree with Peter that if we have gone over and above the that the committee were working to but I understood that that was not the case , so I .
22 ‘ There is this bias with critics that if it is about vampires it has to be junk — well it is absolutely not true ’
23 And he construed from exchanges with others that though they might talk confidently about their childhood and adolescence , much of it was rumour and conjecture ; some of it pure fabrication .
24 The committee became so unnerved at the thought that the club premises might be under threat that when I said I knew how to deal with these bounders , but it could only be as chairman , they swallowed it hook , line and sinker .
25 A dull , cold , rainy day does not literally mean ‘ sadness ’ — it is possible to be happy on such a day — but it is so obviously a metaphor for sadness that when it appears in writing it has become a cliché , intended to trigger a predictable response .
26 The sleeping pills had left her feeling groggy ; she knew from experience that unless she rose immediately on waking , she would feel drugged throughout the day .
27 I know from experience that if I approached their hives with scented lotion on my hair it would make them angry . ’
28 She knew from experience that if she started a conversation with the girls about anything other than business , it could go on for ever , and Christina did not have time to listen to Todney 's domestic problems this morning .
29 Ironically , the hostel was charging so much in rent that while I did have to stay there , I was better off on the dole with the housing people picking up the bill than in cleaning work and having to pay it myself .
30 Could I suggest probably in future that if we do that we have the harrowing parts in the morning so everybody can see it .
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