Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] that [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Further , sucralose maintains better acid stability than aspartame , which means a longer shelf life for products that use it .
2 In the place of the correlation of knowledge with vision and light , the visual metaphor by which the adequation of the idea with the thing has been thought from Plato to Heidegger , Levinas proposes language , which in the form of speech enables a kind of invisible contact between subjects that leaves them both intact .
3 Well you 'll see that in that apology Milton appears to be conscious of the very point that I am trying to make , that is to say it might be considered out of place in this prose work to speak of myself in direct factual terms , although a poet — a poet intending to write of things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme — a poet soaring in the high region of his fancies , with his garland and singing robes about him , in other words where we ca n't or are n't really invited to make out his individual identity very clearly because it is his role as poet that concerns us , there he clearly feels it would be proper .
4 ‘ Is there anything about Toby that makes you uneasy ? ’
5 Solid as a bull whale in his confidence and peering through eyes that suggest he is not lacking in a little magic himself , Hugh Smith calmly rebuts every argument that London is in decline .
6 But er do you quite like singing for folk that know you ?
7 Look out for functions that benefit you and the type of catering you offer
8 Electric cars are now on the government 's list of 400 environmentally friendly products , meaning tax breaks for companies that use them .
9 ‘ What is it about work that gives you the most pleasure ? ’
10 to maximize commitment to the objectives of the enterprise employees must be told rapidly about all matters that affect them directly , and as soon as possible about matters that affect them less directly .
11 What is it about PolaGraph that sets it apart from all the other black and white films ?
12 Although Father and Helmut did business with one another , it was their work for refugees that brought them close and endeared Helmut to Mother and Father .
13 They became great friends and when they did that film in Africa they had a 15-hundredweight truck behind them absolutely full of whisky that followed them everywhere they went .
14 Depression now wrapped itself about her , making concentration difficult , while the thought of Silas holding Doreen in his arms brought a sudden flare of honesty that caused her to admit she was jealous .
15 Although this assumption is very likely to be wrong it is still a usable forecast in the sense that it may be no more wrong than forecasts of change that get it wrong .
16 Zitney fixed her with the kind of look that made her feel electric all over .
17 This is the result of my experience and your money and a touch of genius that follows me whatever I do .
18 Help us to cleanse it and hold it safe from the Godless forces of Communism that surround it and threaten it from within .
19 The humbucker carries a clean sound well , although there 's a hint of midrange that made me go for the coil-tap to keep things sounding sweet .
20 Better performance in 1993 must be everybody 's objective and despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth that surrounds us there has been plenty happening in our Division in 1992 to put us in good shape for the challenge of 1993 .
21 She felt sick , but was relieved to feel something : the weight of the food in her stomach did something to counteract the sense of unreality that afflicted her .
22 For it is the importance that the Formalists give to language in their theory of literature that enables them to avoid the difficulties and the fuzziness that they had so disliked in their critical and scholarly predecessors .
23 ‘ I came down from Manchester two days ago , to meet my fellow archdeacons , and the Bishop told me of your husband 's application and of course that made me wish to meet him , and to meet you .
24 If we carefully analyse the frequencies contained within speech it is possible to devise a system of rules that allows us to create any given sound from its basic frequencies .
25 The lack of judgement that led him to write to Routh in such a vein was Nora 's fault .
26 And she was on his knee , and their arms were round each other , and though the sun had gone down the garden at that moment was glorious , full of a blaze of splendour that surrounded them like a halo .
27 It is only the natural caution of paleontologists that prevents them from jumping to startling conclusions .
28 Her arrival , and the exclamations of admiration that greeted her , succeeded in defusing the last of the tension caused by Geoffrey 's tactless remarks .
29 Furthermore , both Lichtheim and Barth provide a critique of Marx 's concept of ideology that treats it as similar to that of Destutt .
30 And it was lack of money that stopped them going away .
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