Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] you think [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Of course you think I 'm shameless , ’ Cinzia remarked as they set off , the windless muffled night hardly disturbed by their footsteps .
2 Once you 've got the names then decide what you think what type of isomerism you think it actually is .
3 Match up the potential customers below with the sort of shop you think they would buy from .
4 But I want you to tell me — seriously ! — what sort of person you think you 'll want to love . ’
5 I 'm not the sort of person you think I am . ’
6 ‘ Mr Blake , how can I convince you I 'm not the kind of woman you think I am ? ’
7 ‘ Ian , ’ he schmoozed , ‘ you know , you are a prodigy , just not the sort of prodigy you thought you were .
8 That 's not me by the way in case you thought I was phoning myself it 's not me .
9 In fact , ‘ Damnation Derek ’ is a Christian who believes in ‘ Witnessing ’ and it is this simple , even commendable desire to tell others about God and all things Christian that has earned him his nickname ( 'Damnation' is n't his real name — in case you thought he had very unloving parents ! ) and which has made him a Playground Health Hazard .
10 However , in case you think it 's that simple , terminal bonuses , supposedly surplus profits earned from investments in previous years , have varied in their direction simultaneously from life office to life office .
11 In case you think I am exaggerating I will try to put down on the page the conversation we held this morning , he in his warm office with his eighteenth century paperweight and leggy shit of a secretary and I in a dirty glass-doored box that might have been entered in an exhibition of unusual refrigerators .
12 There 's humour and tensions , the blossoming masculine friendship and those wonderful , surprising moments at which Forsyth excels ( and which , in case you think I 'm being coy , seldom translate from screen ) .
13 In case you think I eat a lot I 'll reel you my standard excuse , which is that I 'm trying to put on weight for rugby .
14 In case you think I have been having a merry old time , I 'd better tell you also that I have been staying up to the small hours as there has been such a lot of preparation to do , and the course participants have also been keen to make use of our presence by asking all kinds of questions about English etc. , so this is literally the first free time I have been able to make since I have been here .
15 Thick eyeliner on the top of my eyes , I do n't wear eyeliner on the bottom just in case you think I 'm a tart !
16 If I was setting an exam paper for summer it would be something I would think about putting in not that I am setting it in case you think I had n't .
17 Now just in case you think I 'm sinking into the role of a self-righteous preacher , who enjoys telling other people off about their sins , so that he does n't have to bother about his own ,
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