Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] i think we " in BNC.

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1 After Munich I thought we 'd saved the day .
2 Well , what we 're having for a dinner for lunch I think we 're having bacon and eggs and sausage and things like that .
3 After the first couple of minutes I thought we were going to be in for a really entertaining game .
4 Has society modified it 's conception of family and of black sheep , or are these changes the outcome of a climate of openness I think we 've touched on this , to some extent , already , by saying things have changed .
5 ‘ Ari there are a couple of things I think we should talk about , ’ Leila said , settling down on the cushions beside the girl .
6 Now unless anybody 's got a burning desire to pursue the question which I posed at two o'clock , and from my point of view I think we tested it to destruction .
7 Mr Chairman this little job will save a bit of time I think we 've had er an amendment set by the , the Labour group for work demands through requests er , we want er support er what Simon what Simon is making here so we er we 're making here so we erm small
8 and to cut a long story short , we went to see three possible funders , er funder one was T S B Foundation , where to cut a long story short I 'm pretty sure that T S B er we , we have to put an application in for October I think we 'll , we 'll buy us another system
9 ‘ Pensioners should be able to live with dignity I think we have that right .
10 In England I think we 're seen as a bit of an anomaly . ’
11 In fact I think we played all four tournament rounds , plus the playoff , of course , with Dave .
12 We sat down in the grass — in fact I think we stretched out — near the green and Greg said , even then , ‘ Pete , I 'm still nervous . ’
13 So it seems to me first of all that we should maintain a state of military preparedness , not because the Soviet Union is likely to attack us , but , simply because it represents this huge area of instability on our Eastern Frontiers , but I think also we should be more positive , I do n't think we want to do secret deals in C I A style , er , in fact I think we want the maximum of open diplomacy .
14 ‘ When I heard City had lost again on Saturday I thought we would not get him — I just know how I would feel .
15 On average I think we get about 15 care assistants to each meeting . ’
16 We went to Floyds I think we went
17 No I do n't think we landed at Cowes I think we landed over here further .
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