Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] it might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If Microsoft is found to have a case to answer , the minimum possibility is that the company is forced to sign a consent decree under which it has to unbundle , and agree not to bundle in future — for instance it might have to dismantle Windows for Workgroups and sell the networking elements as a separate product ( similar networking code will be an integral part of standard Windows NT ) ; at worst , the company could be forced to split itself into two completely different companies , one for operating systems and languages , the other for applications .
2 Last November he refused to chair a conference on AIDS for fear it might cause panic .
3 For Horace it might have been a short madness ; in Frere it threatened to become a running sore .
4 The entry specified that he had Spanish as a foreign language , which made me smile , for his Spanish had never been more than rudimentary , though of course it might have improved since he was in Salamanca .
5 Well , if you put a , just hit it down a little bit , I got , probably wo n't get through , but if you hit it down a little bit to give it a bit of spin it might carry it through .
6 surely in a lot of ways it might makes all the difference Barry .
7 What Mill feared in democracy was less the type of government it might produce than the dominance , within society , of what he saw as a monolithic body of mediocre public opinion , which would be intolerant of dissent or even mere eccentricity .
8 He rightly argues that the best way to find out what part of the brain does is to start out with very general questions about the sorts of thing it might do and then work through to more specific questions .
9 The kind of tasks it might excel at are assembling keyboards and putting gearboxes or electric motors together .
10 I was constantly hearing that people were reacting to all this technology , expressing a wish to go back to basics with a simple bow , a look at the wind , an arrow loosed into the heavens and a hope that with luck it might hit the target .
11 For example it might read :
12 If there was anything she could n't cope with herself she would ask Mossy Rooney , a man of such silence and discretion that he found it hard to reveal his own name in case it might incriminate someone .
13 It clearly precludes the collection of data for its own sake , or just in case it might turn out to be useful ; and it requires that information shall be kept for only as long as it remains relevant .
14 And I think if there was a referendum in Scotland it might turn out that many people here wanted the monarchy ended .
15 In some cases it might have been irrelevant because companies would have decentralized anyway ; in others it might have enabled decentralization or , in combination with other factors encouraged it ; in some cases it might indeed have been the single most important immediate consideration .
16 Although in retrospect it might seem a vain hope to disguise ourselves as a motor yacht , we were not well known in the area and there were , after all , quite a few converted HDML 's about in those days , so we removed a few obvious identification marks from the ship including our uniforms , flew the red ensign and settled down to wait .
17 ‘ If it was biological as opposed to chemical it might have been unstable , mutated by now into something non-lethal .
18 I know in our case , and therefore probably in a lot that it is n't always possible , they 'll always find a way in , but if there was some perhaps advice to people it might bring down this number of complaints , that you could perhaps do before the wasp season begins , I do n't know whether that 's a possibility or not .
19 On occasions it might prove convenient to compute the gcd and s and t simultaneously by putting the two procedures described above into one table , as shown in Table 1 .
20 Were he among familiars it might help him but as it is he can not place himself here and it is pitiful to see how lost he is .
21 This induction period could , for some involve Accreditation of Prior Learning , consideration of records of achievement or profiles ; for others it might involve the identification of learning difficulties or special needs provision .
22 Looking simplistically at her behaviour at home it might have been assumed that she conformed to a typical stereotype of an AD sufferer .
23 Jimmy said he really enjoyed playing , but his slight worry about it was that at £13.99 it might prove expensive for the unemployed .
24 Then if your child does turn on the hot tap by accident it might hurt but it wo n't scald .
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