Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] and still [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 yeah , that 's what I 'll do , I 'll just take some out of that and replace , but I , I 've said , I , I 'm never gon na touch that I 'll be well unhappy if I do , cos I been in real dodgy situations with money and still resisted the temptation to take , touch that money .
2 Geoffrey Whittle , Plaid Cymru 's man , lives in Caerphilly and still finished fourth out of four last time .
3 Psychologically Britain , having escaped occupation during the war , felt separated from Europe and still thought in terms of maintaining her independent status as a great power .
4 When the First World War broke out diplomatic services were still markedly concentrated in Europe and still thought predominantly in terms of European problems and rivalries .
5 William , who was already bored by court life in London and still found spoken English hard to follow , decided he must go to Ireland and take command in person .
6 Two weeks on the beach at Mombasa , not in a hotel of course , but in the bungalow of an old friend who had survived freedom and independence in Kenya and still made a living out of East Africa 's import and export trade .
7 The salaries of government employees such as doctors and teachers were subject to inflation and still suffered from the Soviet concept of paying intellectuals less than manual workers .
8 The buxom Mlle Gilles is called upon every 10 minutes to reveal her all ( or three-quarters of it ) and while this is no sight to be despised , she could have appeared stark-naked from beginning to end and still failed to distract our attention from the movie 's essential mediocrity . ’
9 Those who believe Gerstner is a good choice for IBM point to his skill at cutting corporate expenses and willingness to pare payrolls , implying that IBM is a good but bloated company and conveniently forgetting that Akers cut IBM 's payroll by 25% and still ended up with unacceptable results .
10 But the incident at the US-controlled airport illustrated continuing security problems in a city ravaged by conflict and still stalked by muggers .
11 Nor did he think it would serve any purpose to refer to the lipstick-smeared card , originally written by Dotty and still wired to the stem of the mutilated plant , which , in the heat of the moment and the fitful light of the streetlamps was mistakenly thought to have been dipped in blood .
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