Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] and it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is worth money and it costs money .
2 In a ‘ thank-you ’ letter , Finance Administrator Roy Butt said the Hospice relied on the public sector for funding and it appreciated the Centre 's and support .
3 Regalism can best be defined as Erastianism and it represented little more than the modernization and systematization of the traditional claim of the crown to control what it considered the temporal aspects of church government .
4 As for the Signature model , it 's certainly slick but I honestly do n't know where all the money 's gone ; the JD Tele is infinitely better value for money and it makes the price tag on the US-made version look very questionable indeed .
5 This is a public right of way for walkers and it continues as a track alongside Loch Coulin , where camera enthusiasts are often fortunate to find a moored rowing boat posing for the foreground of a perfect picture .
6 Boss Lennie Lawrence said : ‘ We have two home games after Southampton and it gives us a great chance to cement a top six place . ’
7 It is questionable , however , whether the provisions actually add to a victim 's opportunity for compensation and it has been argued that the procedure differs little from that required for any civil action except that the funds are preserved .
8 Erm it runs through the strategy that we 're pursuing , i it er highlights the problems that er erm th that exist in the district , it stresses the need for flexibility and it concludes with an appendix which sets out the actual sites that we would like to see developed erm er over the next er ten years which is the length of the erm covered by the Richmondshire local plan .
9 This underlying concern still shapes Moscow 's attitude to bodies such as ASEAN and it expresses a growing resentment over the limitations of Moscow 's policy of military denial in the Third World in this decade .
10 The Marxist value system arose in this vacuum of values and it arose from the multiplying effect that machinery had on man 's labour .
11 This has been a relatively lengthy chapter of necessity and it has placed sales settings in their respective contexts .
12 It concerned a contract to provide a made-to-measure set of teeth and it arose because they did not fit .
13 The Privy Council in The Wagon Mound ( No. 1 ) stated that their Lordships had not found it necessary to consider the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher in relation to remoteness of damage and it has been suggested that the inference is that causation , not foreseeability , is the test under the rule .
14 In this latter respect , government policy ( or the threat of intervention ) would seem to be the most significant factor tending to remove authority over collective bargaining to the national confederations.9 Attempts to align the outcome of wage negotiations with macroeconomic policy objectives have been one factor which has tended to raise the level of bargaining and it has played a significant role at certain periods in countries such as Holland , Norway and Austria .
15 ‘ I am not prepared for us to be a satellite of Middlesbrough and it appears the majority of Radio One programmes will be coming from Middlesbrough , ’ he said .
16 The reason Jesus used parables can not be to hide the truth from people because this is not the intention of teaching and it seems out of character with what we learn about Jesus elsewhere in the Gospel .
17 Now that idea was to get everybody together and erm because there have been certain members of the staff which have n't been looked at for a period of time they 've escaped the net as it were in the last couple of times and it seems that we 've had the same guys for the last three years and some have erm
18 The sudden change of colour on the wall had upset its sense of direction and it buzzed about angrily and eventually it came into the porch where I was sitting and it stayed there for a few minutes and then went outside searching the wall again for the entrance .
19 Erm in Plato talks about the , the weaving together of forms and it says erm er it 's it 's er through the weaving together of forms that reason arises in us and but then again this is the level of as well so I think that this is the , the origin of this notion that all the forms are in each , they 're all woven together somehow .
20 Assertion of the principle served to do away with the monarch 's previously claimed powers to suspend or dispense with acts of Parliament and it served to deny judges the power to strike down measures .
21 Out there is a whole world full of garbage and it gives me ulcers to throw one more shred of scum back on the heap . ’
22 ‘ Then there was a whoosh of flame and it went quiet .
23 I caught it with the jet of flame and it zipped off out of range , heading for the water by the side of the hill the savage buck had attacked me on .
24 The work was heart-breaking because of the shortage of homes and it showed that many old people were living in distress .
25 I 've always been fond of animals and it interests me to have them about to look at .
26 The Evesham Laboratory was set up to serve growers in the Vale of Evesham and it 's been taken away and Wolverhampton is quite out of the question .
27 It takes a set of fragments and it forms them into a pattern .
28 The Ferret was never happy when anyone other than himself was examining a scene of crime and it seemed to Dalgliesh that his impatience to get on with the job came through the wall as a palpable force .
29 Apart from the support groups that CRUSE runs , it also produces a large range of literature about the problems of bereavement and it provides practical help in dealing with paperwork and other matters that a bereaved person may never have dealt with before .
30 Seriously , it takes only moments to wind a huge ball of wool and it rewinds it perfectly .
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