Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] and [verb] our " in BNC.

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1 He tried to deny he 'd been to the village at first , but when I told him I 'd watched his every move he said he 'd gone for toothpaste and avoided our constables because he did n't think they 'd allow him to go out . ’
2 GILBERT ADAIR is a contributing editor of Esquire and writes our regular Last Word column , two examples of which are included in a collection of his journalism published this month entitled The Post-modernist Always Rings Twice .
3 We parked in the small village of Marloes and planned our route on the map .
4 Here is the great mistake ; here all the trouble begins ; we teachers are much too fond of teaching and imposing our Preconceived and traditional ideas upon the child ; too ready to give advice ; to show the child how to do it ; to teach and improve , always from our own standards , our own conventions .
5 Jana 's work is based on the belief that exploring creative expression is one way of finding and strengthening our inner power .
6 At last , a number of projects and publications are in hand that will tackle some of these issues , quickening the pace of research and heightening our response to these remarkable works .
7 Erm , I think the charge that has been laid against myself personally and my myself and my colleagues is the charge of vacillation and changing our mind and I and I am grateful to c my colleague David for reminding us that we have in this county had two years two years when the Labour party and the Conservative party have been hand in glove , absolutely determined that the way forward in relation to homes , elderly persons homes , not that 's not to close any and now we 've had a complete volte face when they 've changed their minds and they 've come along with us .
8 ‘ We must beware lest unscrupulous people exploit these areas of misunderstanding and divert our attention from the really important task , which is our common defence of the kind of freedoms we hold so dear : the freedoms for which this noble university so proudly stands and for which so many of its sons gave their lives in foreign fields . ’
9 It requires us to move into somebody else 's territory of self and to leave our own vulnerable to intrusion .
10 We crossed the fields below Underwood and made our way back home as cows were brought in to milk and children were brought in from play for their tea .
11 THE Human Genome Project has encouraged , with research funds , studies of the social implications of a rapidly developing science that promises to reveal the essence of life and to predict our future fate .
12 It 's only when we let go of life and allow our innate wisdom to flourish that we live ! ’
13 We must break down the barriers of conditioning and open our minds to far higher goals .
14 ( d ) The massive body of historical research that has gone on throughout this century has gradually discovered new sources of information and refined our views of the early modern period , in all probability bringing them closer to the objective truth .
15 and we built our hou , not , bought the plot of land and built our own house on it .
16 Quotas by definition rigidify and distort the market , so we must resist absurdities such as nitrogen and other input quotas which merely serve to raise the cost of production and undermine our ability to compete .
17 Eventually the Corporal gave me a cigarette , and in due course we pulled over at a roadside cafe to have a cup of coffee and to stretch our legs .
18 We felt a little like prisoners and missed our privacy and independence ; my mother was the most aware of this feeling as she was the one who was most at home .
19 This leads us to study animals that are most like humans and to restrict our studies to these animals , like the chimpanzee .
20 Psychologists believe that we hold on to certain stories because they enable us to make sense of an otherwise confusing world — that we learn through stories and see our way through to maturity with their help .
21 Both of us strolled around the camp in an exaggerated swagger , saluting with panache and wearing our berets just above our eyes .
22 In this way we have the opportunity to be more in tune with nature and to heighten our awareness of the things around us .
23 Subsequently the company went into liquidation and left our pension holders with less than meagre pensions .
24 It is now commonplace to remark on the influence which government has in regulating our lives , from supervising and registering our births to certifying our deaths and most points in between .
25 We will enable the courts to override unfair terms in contracts and improve our powers to deal with rogue traders .
26 These activities were consolidated in Aberdeen and achieved our best sales yet in this market sector in the North Sea .
27 This represents approximately one third of our profit before tax and maintains our leading position among UK corporations in this respect .
28 Closing the small , high cost facility in Canada and reducing our operation to two viscose plants will enable us to address a better market with a smaller quantity — I see that as positive .
29 ‘ The family , our school of life , is the Church in miniature , ’ she stated , and went on to tell us that we must recognise our unity in diversity and cherish our differences .
30 ‘ If we are going to get reliable evidence from children and make our own evaluation of what they are saying then it is absolutely essential the stories are not contaminated by those who are being accused with the responsibility for harm or neglect . ’
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