Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] be say to " in BNC.

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1 One reason why she brought Michael Heseltine in as Secretary of State for Defence is said to be his ability as a public-relations man .
2 Thus in 1676 an estimated 300 of the 3,000 or so communicants in the industrial parish of Sheffield were said to be Dissenters .
3 A number of safeguards were said to be in force , the first being that all applications had to be made in writing .
4 Nerves that communicate with the use of acetylcholine are said to be cholinergic and are found in the peripheral and central nervous systems .
5 The effect of jurisdictional error of law is said to be to render the affected decision void or a nullity in the sense that the decision is treated as never having had any legal effect .
6 Opposition estimates of casualties were said to be much higher .
7 In the gut , the main symptom of candidiasis is said to be bloating and wind , because as the yeast ferments its food it produces prodigious quantities of carbon dioxide gas .
8 For all these states of affairs are said to be united within the complex whole .
9 Next I proceed to what may be called conservative Christologies , Christologies in which the maleness of Christ is said to be of the very essence of Christology .
10 I mean it 's interesting you 're using that , that second you used erm empowerment a number of people are saying to me you know that empowerment is a word they have problems with .
11 The major network evening news programmes were being watched by an estimated 50 — 60 million people and 65 per cent of people were said to be getting 100 per cent of their news from such programmes .
12 The generic and common names of mint are said to be taken from the Greek myth of the nymph Minthe , who was being pursued by Hades , the god of the Underworld .
13 The protection of wildlife was said to be germane to both China 's economic and ethical development .
14 At Burley Camp in Devon a crock of gold is said to be buried , but anyone who tries to dig for it is said to be scared away by thunder and lightning .
15 Baku , meanwhile , remained without special security measures or curfew restrictions , and gangs of looters were said to be attacking abandoned Armenian homes largely unchallenged by the sole detachment of 1,000 Interior Ministry troops who had arrived from Moscow on Jan. 14 .
16 In a survey of London 's trades in 1747 , the wages of milliners were said to be " poor and mean " : " Though a young woman can work neatly in all manner of Needle Work , yet she can not earn more than Five or Six Shillings [ 25-30p ] a week , out of which she is to find herself in board and lodging . "
17 Following Hungary 5 recent opening of ties with South Korea , diplomatic relations with Israel are said to be imminent .
18 Any node with children is said to be internal .
19 In 1792 wages in Sheffield were said to be so high generally as to allow the leisure-preferring cutlers to live comfortably from working only three days a week .
20 ( In Chan Man-sin the thing in action was said to be the benefit of the contract with the bank . )
21 His interest in witchcraft was said to be more than scholarly .
22 Refugee camps here in Amman are said to be crammed to capacity , the authorities are growing more and more concerned about the numbers of Asian refugees , Indians , Bangladeshis , Pakistanis , Philippinos and Thais .
23 The differences in organisation are said to be due to innate ability , and the kind of experience received .
24 The stones at the Merry Maidens stone circle in Cornwall are said to be musicians who accelerated their pace until they became petrified with exhaustion .
25 According to a DCDA telephone survey four places in Stockton are said to be very rarely vacant and 21 on North Tyneside , due to be ready from April , are already subject to a long waiting list .
26 On the same day it was the opinion of every poll that Roy Jenkins had no chance at Hillhead and a slight fall in unemployment was said to be the herald of economic recovery .
27 Craig Lambrecht , a 16-year-old schoolboy , was badly wounded but his condition in hospital was said to be stable .
28 In Ryan [ 19921 Crim.L.R. 187 , where the identifying witness was brought to and conducted around the police station where the parade took place by officers involved in the investigation , the Court of Appeal regarded what had occurred as a ‘ substantial breach ’ of the Code , and the subsequent identification of the suspect was admitted in evidence only because there was proof that nothing untoward had in fact been said to the witness by the officers in question .
29 Dissatisfaction with facilities offered to the ARC fleet in Barbados is said to be one of the chief reasons why the destination has changed , although a hint of rancour appeared to cloud references to the former destination .
30 But in what sense can the conditions in prisons be said to be unjust ?
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