Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] of it have " in BNC.

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1 The prosecution was allowed to sum up its evidence in secret hearing as part of it had been given in camera .
2 Within a few minutes the picture was effervescing as part of it had been painted on gesso .
3 The present owners purchased the mill in 1976 after part of it had been used to house chickens and the mill-pond had been used for fish-farming .
4 Does the association of low pitch with authority and high pitch with lack of it have any reasonable basis , or is it simply a sexist prejudice through which everything that marks a speaker out as female becomes a cause for complaint and a proof of inferiority ?
5 However , interesting observations in support of it have been made .
6 Before the camp was liberated the senior British colonel in command of it had already chosen a temporary hiding place for the prisoners .
7 The Indian in charge of it had to do all the technical work himself , and I gave the short address that had been scheduled .
8 Victor 's face as the match flares in front of it has the rapt attention of a man lighting a fuse .
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