Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [to-vb] into his " in BNC.

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1 Mr Vafa has again asked the Law Society of Scotland to look into his grievance .
2 ‘ And mine , Barrow Chen , ’ DeVore assured him , allowing no trace of cynicism to escape into his voice or face .
3 Japan 's prime minister , whose chief asset is his reputation for honesty , was under pressure to bring into his cabinet politicians who had been tainted with scandal .
4 Slater said , trying to edge round Graham to peer into his face .
5 Having achieved our reconciliation to God Jesus now asks people everywhere to be reborn of the Spirit in order to enter into his new humanity .
6 It was another image for Preston to carry into his dreams , or nightmares , of Uncle Titch in the dock and the twelve little dwarves grim and silent on the hard wooden benches .
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