Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [is] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Lloyds Bank , the deposit ( claim ) for $10m is in Barclays ' name and the asset held is the $10m with Bank Z.
2 A group recently passed through Christie 's at South Kensington and I reproduce them here ( F ) : the Stratocruiser was the obvious favourite , the Boeing 747 and Trident being of much more recent interest .
3 For Cave , the sole possibility for heroism is in fatalism , a stoic dignity in the face of your plight , the blight that is your negative birthright .
4 BRITAIN 'S safety arrangements for pesticides is in disarray following a ruling by the European Commission that the voluntary code , which is operated by the industry , is a breach of the EEC 's rules on free trade .
5 A new woodturning system specifically developed for schools is on test in Scottish schools .
6 The law says 16 years ' wrongful imprisonment for murder is worth £100,000 damages .
7 ‘ I recently shot an advertising campaign for Levi 's in San Francisco .
8 Just under two and a half acres of land untouched for centuries is at stake .
9 The constrained or effective demand curve for labour is in Figure 5.9 .
10 Another key difference between styles is in heat control , inextricably tied in with the equipment used .
11 Morality without religion is unthinkable for religion is to morality as water is to seeds in the soil .
12 A ubiquitous process that starts immediately after death is of course decay , which in small mammals progresses very quickly .
13 I 'm going home , you can get on with your profligate lifestyle , marry Nicola Schreider , nip out to St Lucia for sex with the adoring Tara when you get bored , sell off Chester 's to Farthingdales and rake in your hefty slice of profit , and then you can go to eternal hell , for all I care ! ’
14 The only real hope for MAC is for Rupert Murdoch and the new BSkyB service to give ( or be forced by the ITC to give ) a long-term commitment on making all their PAL transmissions from Astra simultaneously available in MAC from Marcopolo .
15 There were a recipe in for Queen 's for Queen Mother 's birthday cake .
16 The other indication for insulin is of course when glycaemic control is poor on a maximal dose of a sulphonylurea .
17 I have asked LRDA , per Paul Furbank , to try and find out what the state of play is with Service Inns Ltd .
18 This interpretation of the universal direction of progress is of course in keeping with the more liberal Victorian assumptions .
19 In fact , an examinations of historical documentation ( real-time evidence ) suggests that the direction of change is towards raising .
20 The inner layer of shell is of nacre , or Mother-of-pearl .
21 However , they will only do this if they have a chance of hitting an adventurer — if a spell such as Zone of Sanctuary is in operation , for instance , the Skeletons will bide their time .
22 We had a phone call erm a year or two ago Mrs did a lot of work on this with petition 's and so on about the costs of pensioner 's for animal treatment , because the P D S A no longer operates in Harlow and the nearest one I think is Edmonton , which makes it impossible .
23 And I shall quote to you from er a message of Lincoln 's to congress in eighteen sixty one and from some of his er private correspondence .
24 Fairy Tales by Terry Jones ( Puffin , £1.95 ) CHRISTMAS BEST-SELLERS Based on last week 's sales in the children 's department of Waterstone 's in Edinburgh : 1 Rhyming Stew by Roald Dahl ( Jonathan Cape , £7.95 ) 2 Oi Get Off Our Train by John Burningham ( Jonathan Cape , £7.95 ) 3 Matilda by Roald Dahl 4 The Lion , The Witch and The Wardrobe by CSLewis ( Fontana Lion , £2.25 ) 5 Prince Caspian by CSLewis ( Fontana Lion , £2.25 ) 6 Almost Everything There Is To Know by Tim Hunkin ( Pyramid Books , £4.95 ) 7 The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter ( Frederick Warne , £20 ) 8 Budgie The Helicopter by HRHDuchess of York ( Simon & Schuster , £4.95 ) 9 The Way Things Work by David MacAuley ( Dorling Kindersley , £14.95 ) 10 Peace At Last by Jill Murphy ( Walker , £6.95 ) THE YEAR 'S BEST-SELLERS Supplied by Jane Churchill at Children 's Bookcentre in Kensington , London :
25 In many European cities , and more recently in the USA , it has been accepted that the only efficient and cost effective way of moving people in and out of cities is by rail .
26 On the principle that losers always shout louder than winners , a winter of discontent is in prospect .
27 Similarly , Wittgenstein 's fact-presupposing explanation of the meaning of pain-language is in terms of things that happen naturally .
28 Ben Cauthen , from Newcastle 's Comedy Cafe , and Anvil Springstein , resident compere of Harvey 's in Stock ton , will be compering the evening .
29 This process of interaction is for Marx and Engels both a source of conceptualization and also of a sort of natural religion , at least in the earlier stages of evolution .
30 One particularly adverse effect of technique is in work .
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