Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [vb mod] be say " in BNC.

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1 These exchanges may take the form of ‘ mock fighting ’ in which a clear set of rules may be said to operate .
2 Thus each group of accounts might be said to be objective but they are not comparable .
3 But the long period of non-use can be said to amount to a custom , and to create a reasonable expectation that the pattern of restraint should continue in the future ( O'Brien , 1967 , pp. 79–80 ) .
4 Thus , Members of Parliament may be said to occupy much the same position with respect to the nationalised industries as do shareholders with respect to a joint stock company .
5 Similarly , any carrot is going to do you some good , but those grown without the aid of pesticides could be said to do you even more good — the extra glow imparted by this thought naturally infuses a carrot salad .
6 Much more evidence needs to be uncovered , if indeed it exists , much more work to be done even in available sources before the origins and development of this sort of muftilik can be said to have been fully studied .
7 In short , the Declaration of Rights can be said to have confirmed the legal sovereignty of Parliament .
8 A natural response to this state of affairs would be to say that theory cut off from the writing of literature is no more than a sterile academicism .
9 Er , I can say for instance that I 'm changing because I 'm er getting older , I 'm getting tireder erm all sorts of things can be said about me .
10 A ‘ steersman ’ in a towed vehicle will be held to be ‘ driving ’ if the extent and degree of control could be said to correctly describe ‘ driving ’ ( R v MacDonagh , [ 1974 ] RTR 372 and McQuaid v Anderton , [ 1980 ] 3 All ER 540 ) .
11 The maleness of Christ may be said to form the linchpin of this picture .
12 Whereas any belief can be anchored , regardless of the content of the belief , only certain sons of belief could be said to be objectified .
13 There is the belief that even if criteria of rationality differ across forms of thought , at least individual forms of thought could be said to contain discrete pools of rationality .
14 For instance , the following two occurrences of man can be said to be in syntactically different environments :
15 ‘ If the purpose of life can be said to be replication , then we have both failed dismally . ’
16 On this basis the degree of hierarchy could be said to increase , ceteris paribus , with increases in the domain delegated to authorized control , and with reductions in the extent to which resource owners are involved in making decisions about the deployment of their resources .
17 Since Wilson 's teachings were a principal inspiration for the Morgan school , the twentieth century science of genetics may be said to have arisen within his Weismannist programme for the integration of evolutionary and cytological theorizing ( Mayr , 1982 ) .
18 This type of book may be said to ante-date the classical detective story , which we have called the template or original of most crime fiction .
19 Erm from a personal point of view , I do n't really find it credible that planking down fourteen hundred houses in the Vale of York could be said to improve landscape quality .
20 If the first British-born generation of Caribbeans can be said to date from the period around 1960 , then it began to reach its Creole-speaking adolescence around 1972 — as a result of a coincidence of factors which may or may not have something to do with the popularity of Jamaican music around that time .
21 By and large , however , they argued that the behaviour of the electorate was shaped less by their stance to particular policy issues and more by generalised attitudes and beliefs about the party 's " image " , and they specifically pointed out " how little the mass of voters could be said to respond to the policy alternatives at Westminster in judging the claims of the rival parties " .
22 The same clash of common-places can be said to provide the possibility for everyday thinking , or deliberation .
23 For the uncommitted public , however , there were two effects of startling importance : sexual frankness took an immense leap forward and the image of women could be said to have been changed for ever .
24 Points of view could be said to be central to the formal legal enterprise .
25 The other kind would be academics who are committed to a tough professionalism on the American model , who believe that knowledge advances and becomes obsolete , that theory is essential , and that nothing of interest can be said about literature outside an institutional framework .
26 The concept of parental rights in education could be said to be concerned with the ability of parents to extend the control they are able to exert within the family to their child 's formal education , thus protecting their ‘ interest ’ in the child .
27 But this was only one of a variety of vessels , some of them much larger , it seems , used by the Vikings , and it is the accident that they still used them for burials which has enabled a small number to survive — the conversion to Christianity may be said to have deprived us for ever of the best evidence we might have had of medieval navigation as it developed in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
28 There are also bridges at Altdorf where the Reik divides into a number of lesser channels ; hence none of the bridges at Altdorf can be said to cross the entire Reik .
29 A simpler way of looking at laicisation might be to say that institutional Christianity has lost some of its functions : most education passes from church to state ; so too do medicine , welfare and human counselling .
30 There is a common element of pressure which by analogy can be said to justify a claim for repayment .
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