Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [coord] [pron] give " in BNC.

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1 Tha him , look how , look how he after mummy and I give him
2 Boss Lennie Lawrence said : ‘ We have two home games after Southampton and it gives us a great chance to cement a top six place . ’
3 We never sold anything of course but it gave me a sort of status plus it was a very interesting time to be around the art world .
4 ‘ Thirdly , I believe that by the end of tonight you will see an increase in the number of Liberal Democrat Members of Parliament and I give this undertaking to each of them .
5 Out there is a whole world full of garbage and it gives me ulcers to throw one more shred of scum back on the heap . ’
6 And he pulls out another container of peace and he gives it to somebody else , that is n't how it happens .
7 He claimed the housing market was showing signs of revival but he gave it a prod anyway by raising the threshold on stamp duty from £30,000 to £60,000 , move that will help mainly first-time buyers .
8 A powerful Muslim force was besieging his city of Tiberias and he gave the order to advance to its relief knowing full well that by leaving his camp he was risking battle .
9 But one must still be wary the fact that although we 've got this nice electric gadget , that we drop the probe into a bucket of water and it gives us er a salinity it is still entirely dependent on this ratio and this ratio is based on the constancy of composition which is very good for open ocean waters but breaks down in coastal waters where erosional processes , where fresh water additions and the sediment loads of the rivers may actually alter this ratio , okay ?
10 ‘ I took a bowl of water and I gave it hirin , as if it was my father , or my brother , ’ said Kalchu .
11 He 's short of games but he gives us something different . ’
12 The girls are required to plan their own day , and when they are used to this system , most prefer it to the structure of school and it gives them some control over their daily lives .
13 my holiday was later as usual and longer so , you know and there was a couple of other things not related to this which I 'd thought of doing and it 's sort of they evaporated , but erm , we did spend time talking to Ingy earlier in the year , you know , about publicity and I gave her lists of well such as things obvious things like Playback and Newsbeat
14 In China they 've been eating mouldering cabbage for aeons and it gives them cancer of the oesophagus .
15 We were travelling in a convoy with ITN and they gave Sabira a lift .
16 I told her I 'd be in the Maple Leaf in Covent Garden until about nine , then down in Fulham and I gave her the address of the party and told her to ask for Louise .
17 His appearance in the Toyota World Match Play at Wentworth in October was his 17th in succession and it gave him the chance of winning the title for a record sixth time .
18 I gave them our greetings from Q.P. and they gave me theirs to return to you .
19 Of these eight are from Miller and they give an insight into the work of the Chelsea Gardener when he had probably reached the peak of his career .
20 You draw from life and you give back to live .
21 ‘ I am a teacher of English at a school in Cologne and I gave up my job at the end of March and returned to England . ’
22 I 'd been to see my great-aunt 's solicitors in Glasgow and they gave me the keys .
23 It is the use of this ‘ apparatus ’ which enables people to express themselves in speech and which gives speech its quality and pattern .
24 Now correlation , in a similar way , measures something similar to association but it gives you a bit more detail .
25 I had introduced Roose-Evans to Reggie and he gave James access to Joyce 's study and to all her unpublished material and letters .
26 place on Sunday and they gave me a meal .
27 Keith Floyd tells us all about his travels to Australia and he gives readers an exclusive taste of the recipes he collected while he was there .
28 the right of privacy did not extend so far as to confer a protected right on consenting adults to pursue their own choice in the matter of watching obscene and pornographic motion pictures within a theatre … [ even one ] not open to minors and which gave patrons due notice of the kind of entertainment provided .
29 We met them face to face and he gave his full backing .
30 about analysis or me giving them the dream and I have to sort of like get out for myself what
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