Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [pers pn] [vb -s] have " in BNC.

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1 For Richard it seems to have been a period of reconciliation : with Sebrand Chabot , who was allowed to return to his see in April 1180 , and with Aimar of Limoges , who arrived back at Christmas of the same year .
2 After Melusina she appears to have written no more poetry , and retreated further and further into voluntary silence .
3 Time after time he has had a tournament in his pocket only for a miracle shot from a rival to steal it away .
4 From the freedom of play it seems to have in relation to my belly it must be in neutral .
5 It is the biggest influx of support it has had .
6 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will indicate the nature and range of discussions he has had with OFTEL on the length of time customers have had to wait to have their telephones repaired ; what changes in waiting time there have been in the last seven years ; and if he will make a statement .
7 Of course she does have staff to hand around the nosh , ’ Ken told her .
8 Now of course she 's had a tremendous effect on , on fashion knitwear ever since she 's been involved with before .
9 A representative of the ABC Network , which fights on behalf of prisoners it believes have been framed , handed out leaflets about Carter 's case in Middlesbrough yesterday .
10 D' ya , d' ya know what I think Al , I think he 's from Barnsley cos that Bob lots of money he 's had dropped there at Barnsley
11 Ah doubt there 's anybody else has had the sort of opportunity he 's had for flyin' around at will in that part of the Antarctic . ’
12 ‘ He 'd like to be interviewed about his life , and talk about the kind of funeral he wants to have .
13 ‘ I thought it was getting better , ’ he said , ‘ but the last couple of days it seems to have got worse . ’
14 Is the figure of Jesus it claims to have uncovered really there in the New Testament , and is his message the one that Harnack claims ?
15 It has extended its DMS course and has introduced a successful master 's degree programme ; as a result the number of staff it employs has doubled during the past ten years .
16 I repeat that what is important is how a school deploys its teaching staff , not the number of people it happens to have on its books .
17 Since the first of September till the twenty-sixth of September , we 've had thirteen bikes go all over Banbury , and since the twenty-sixth of September it seems to have increased and we 've had eight of various sorts go , er ranging from a hundred to a hundred and ninety pounds .
18 She would never have had the kind of success she 's had , with Broadway and so on , if she 'd stayed at home in England waiting to be asked .
19 Although this is bought through a massive number of connections it seems to have a number of advantages over previously mentioned strategies :
20 As we read that account , oh yes , we can read as a historical account of Jesus ' encounter with this woman , but it 's more than that it 's the sort of encounter he wants to have with you , and he wants to have with me .
21 Like Shujan he has had his training setbacks but Armstrong has shrewdly got enough runs into him to go for this handicap and his recent home form suggests it is worth taking a chance with him as he is on the upgrade .
22 But it is important that here the yokes are inverted : Mariana and the ties with Spain she represents have been transformed , translated into Mexican , into the complexities of the mestizo Mexican present .
23 After Wilfrid 's eventual return north , although Christianity stayed in Sussex it seems to have formed one of the less distinguished and lively dioceses of the English church , closely tied to the features and experience of the county generally but not emerging to direct secular life .
24 In Parliament he seems to have been happiest with the common-law politics of Sir Edward Coke [ q.v. ] , but disapproving of faction .
25 Best known in Europe he has had one-artist shows in France , Switzerland and England the thirty-seven year old Parisian makes colossal colour photographs and exhibits them in series .
26 The latest medical theories suggest that Mozart 's last illness had its roots in the various serious infections he had suffered as a child : on the early trip to Paris and London he had contracted rheumatic fever , tonsillitis. and typhoid fever ; in 1167 he had caught smallpox ; and in Italy he seems to have had bronchitis and yellow jaundice .
27 another thing Jonathan , Jackie 's er , lad , the one that 's gone onto Cornwall , he 's been in hospital he 's had another
28 In school she has had to contend with discussions about ‘ Pakis ’ in the staff room .
29 In fact he has had no contact with our officials since the Shah fled Iran in 1979 .
30 other guy , you know , he does it in garages , he 's done it quite a few times before on cars he 's had himself , so
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