Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [noun sg] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is suggested that NSAIDs cause immediate cellular damage during drug absorption perhaps by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation .
2 But the effect of this series of pessimistic changes was to more than double the estimates for wave power up to a range of 8–12 p/kWh .
3 Fares available from today for midweek travel up to June 15 are £309 to seven East Coast destinations including New York ; £389 to Miami and Orlando in Florida ; and £369 to Chicago , Detroit , Dallas and Houston .
4 Fares available from today for midweek travel up to June 15 are £309 to seven East Coast destinations including New York ; £389 to Miami and Orlando in Florida ; and £369 to Chicago , Detroit , Dallas and Houston .
5 ‘ Less of your lip , Prescott , and see that you report for latrines duty straight after breakfast . ’
6 ‘ It would be an absurd nonsense for Chelmsford cathedral not to be allowed to sell these items to visitors to the cathedral . ’
7 The Philippines government had agreed to drop all pending or future suits filed against the Marcoses in the USA in return for Marcos property there worth some $8,000,000 .
8 You can get a grant for loft insulation up to 150mm if you have less than 50mm .
9 And then we come to the sixth race which is the eight forty five , well I 'm going to go for Angie Baby here in trap three , she 's erm a little bit of a kidder but she might have the legs of these , as long as something leads her , she 'll come and erm try and do them on the line , so it 's Angie Baby for me there , erm Ruby Blue in trap six is a danger .
10 A rise in real labour costs would shift the demand for labour curve downwards to D′ L in graph ( i ) .
11 Hospitality : More beds are needed especially to accommodate the German team on Thursday , Friday and Saturday nights , and a few for Friday night only for long distance Medau performers — please ask in your classes ( ten mile radius from Croydon or along the route from Dover preferred ) and send offers to .
12 This was considered revolutionary at the time it was written ( 1955 ) , but case study after case study elsewhere in the country now suggest the same basic pattern of large estates .
13 Severe burns result after skin contact even with dilute solutions ; the burns may not appear until hours after exposure .
14 From Prospect Crescent in Swanage turn left then after 150yds turn right into an alley .
15 The discouraging effects of prolonged unemployment , experience in the labour market with employers and official intermediaries , public statements by political and economic commentators , politicians , and employers about the future of employment are all part of a social process of exclusion , which probably began to set the agenda in the minds of individual older workers in the After Redundancy study even before the redundancy itself took place .
16 Some runners oversupinate when the foot remains on the outside edge after heel strike instead of pronating .
17 I enclose herewith a copy of Management Service Unit 's proposed staffing structure for Council Tax together with draft Job Descriptions for your interest .
18 Secondly , I get another dollop of money , if I can put it like this , for Home Care right across the county .
19 Goal for exercise Walk briskly for ten minutes each day .
20 ‘ The importance of diversity in programmes and recognition of the cultures of different parts of the UK with a special service for Scotland run right through the document like letters through a stick of rock . ’
21 His failure to appreciate that at the time is no more than a commentary on the absence of knowledge about child abuse generally among social workers .
22 Loch Cairnbawn carries the waters of Eddrachillis Bay deep into the mainland 's interior , penetrating the coastal hills , becoming constricted at a narrow strait , and then widening and dividing into Loch Glendhu and Loch Glencoul , both inurned amongst wild mountains .
23 Sacha was a victim of skin cancer early in his career and suffered from cancer of the thyroid in 1971 .
24 The Deputy Under Secretary rubbed his nose , watched a flake of skin pirouette down to the opened pages of the file .
25 Patrick obediently closed his eyes , feeling the sun warm and orange on his eyelids , hearing the click of the old woman 's scissors , feeling cold strands of hair drift occasionally across his face .
26 The leaders of populist movements may be much more dependent upon receiving continuous high levels of electoral and political support , and hence unable to prevent mass demands turning the normal process of elite competition temporarily into a monistic system of domination .
27 She did not immediately issue a new notice , an omission which in effect granted the USA the use of Subic Bay indefinitely under a 1947 military agreement , which the Philippine government said remained in force .
28 However , it is generally acknowledged that to reduce the consumption of fat in our daily diet will almost certainly reduce the risk of heart disease along with other medical conditions .
29 Standing dumb and immobilized in Doyle 's hands , Jinny felt the last grains of fight trickle out of her .
30 Towers of brick reach up to the sky ,
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