Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [modal v] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The diagrams for patterns will have a narrow seam allowance incorporated but add a few stitches if you think your seams will be well within the drawn edges .
2 The idea of combining two energy sources for cooking may take a bit of rethinking on the cook 's part initially .
3 My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Defence will make a further statement shortly .
4 A few facts ( checkable for truth ) on cash from vehicles and cash for roads would inject a bit of realism into this issue .
5 The manager may be the only member of the team who is present in the office full time to fill these gaps and the responsibility of ensuring continuity for clients may make a manager reluctant to take on a large team of very part-time volunteers .
6 It also matters currently , since art is to be included as a foundation subject in the national curriculum and the mastery of basic skills such as drawing will have a higher profile .
7 The Pakistani Prime Minister , Mohammad Khan Junejo , and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Britain agreed in April 1987 that a peace settlement for Afghanistan should include a commitment to establish ‘ a neutral non-aligned ’ regime in Kabul .
8 A narrow win for Labour would add a further dose of poison .
9 Leaving an outside light on after dark can discourage a potential burglar .
10 Labour 's Graham Allen argues that if the lobbies were knocked out MPs could have a semicircular debating chamber electronic voting and a named desk each .
11 He says that if the lobbies were knocked out MPs could have a semicircular debating chamber , electronic voting and a named desk each .
12 Crew arriving by air to join a yacht are not normally asked for an onward ticket : however , nationals who need visas for Spain should have a letter from the owner of the yacht stating that the crew is joining the yacht at Las Palmas .
13 It is well known that marital breakdown between parents can have a dire effect upon the child in terms of immediate misery , and subsequent disruption of personality and relationships .
14 As always , Ideal Constitutions for Ireland must wobble a bit when they come to Ulster .
15 As the Scottish islands await progress on the matter , can the Leader of the House tell us whether the Secretary of State for Scotland will make a statement early next week on ESAs for Scotland ?
16 It is helpful if a pupil who is totally dependent on the use of spectacles for schoolwork can have a reserve pair , since repairs can sometimes take time .
17 It was confirmed that , under the terms of a confidential agreement with the Vietnamese , independent monitoring ‘ arrangements ’ will be set up in Vietnam , and the hope was expressed that the UN High Commission for Refugees will play a full part in this .
18 If all representations of lesbianism are negative ( in line with society 's presentation of heterosexuality as the only positive sexuality ) , then conceivably a positive image of lesbianism could have a promotional effect .
19 ( The late-twentieth-century history of " Germany " shows that collective memories of unity can outlast a generation of partition . )
20 The scale of values used to draw a graph is very important if you are to read it accurately , Look at the same advertising graphs again , this time both are drawn to the same scale .
21 Even though fewer than three thousand people are now engaged in whaling , directly and indirectly , their loss of support might trigger a loss of confidence among other rural people and jeopardise the LDP 's increasingly frail hold on government ; an office they have held for more than 25 years .
22 In this particular situation , a letter of support would indicate a legal or commercial obligation , and so provision should be made against the debit minority interest recognised in the consolidated balance sheet .
23 Exact patterns of change will remain a matter of controversy for historians , as they were for contemporaries , but what emerges from the inadequate farm records and welter of subjective comment by biased and often condescending outside observers is a marked contrast between the fortunes of a few well-organised and prosperous landowners and the general backwardness of their counterparts and tenants .
24 The Invitational Computer Conferences division of Dataquest will hold a series of exhibitions in Central and Eastern Europe this June .
25 In some cases the corpus of story may imply a whole hierarchy of discriminations : " we " are distinguished from " others " , friends from foes , recognized neighbours from unrecognized strangers , gods from men , men from animals , " real " animals from monsters , and so on .
26 The change of heart could cost a small number of veterans or widows more than £40 per week and save Middlesbrough Council £110,000 .
27 Correspondingly , a tree or network of operations can define a pattern of decision-making .
28 ESA has already spent millions of dollars on Columbus , and it now seems likely that the redesign of Freedom will require a corresponding change in its space laboratory .
29 The increased value of try would create a very different standing in league positions .
30 Apart from finding globules of mercury in people 's shoes , a contemporary commentator , and opponent of this form of treatment , describes two men who used the same tavern regularly and both having supped from their little bottles of mercury would smoke a pipe and down some wine .
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