Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [be] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lou talked about Pat being on holiday in Greece .
2 A new woodturning system specifically developed for schools is on test in Scottish schools .
3 We decided that the the otential the action potential of course are on Editor A look at control , we can look at single channel currents .
4 Polymers tend to be left late in chemical education , since for example the synthesis of PVC is on paper much more complicated than that of vinyl chloride .
5 The pages of NME are on fire with angsty exchanges between trad jazzers and the ‘ hep-cats ’ .
6 An exhibition of some of the work and research carried out by the University of Stirling was on display in the crush hall .
7 This increase in value is the equivalent of the return or interest that could , for example , be expected on a bank deposit for each day that the relevant sum of money is on deposit .
8 The normal eighteenth century division of labour is on trial in this passage and , to a lesser extent , in the others quoted above .
9 At the bottom , a trio of guards were on duty , armed with flamers .
10 ‘ But the following Tuesday , British Coal 's area director visited Point of Ayr and said the second phase would not go ahead during the review period , which effectively means development plans at Point of Ayr are on ice . ’
11 From the time of Mr Bush 's speech to the UN General Assembly in October to the last-minute pleas of Javier Perez de Cuellar , the UN secretary-general , an array of sweeteners was on offer .
12 The radio reported that when the back-up unit had arrived the block of shops was on fire .
13 Wilson , whose rejection of religion was on account of its encouragement of so much evil .
14 … the hounds of spring are on winter 's traces …
15 ‘ ECT is usually left to junior members of the staff … with little training and guidance ’ , A leading psychiatrist in the field told New Scientist that ‘ the commonest misuse of ECT is on people who are really unhappy , distressed or sad , rather than ill with a depressive illness . ’
16 Meanwhile , police of the Gipton Urban Crime Unit , whose job is to improve the quality of life in an area where as many as 60 per cent of families are on income support , are concerned that special Government funding for the unit will stop on March 31st .
17 Some of the most famous … and romantic … images of Paris are on show in an exhibition in the region .
18 The length of service is on record at Walworth Road and it would not be of a great cost if you look at retaining membership who are real stalwarts of the Party .
19 ‘ A visit to the city of dreams is on offer from the Northern Sinfonia on their next visit to Middlesbrough , ’ it discloses .
20 Ringbinders with ‘ George Heriot 's School ’ printed on the cover and A4 pads of paper are on sale in the School at advantageous prices .
21 A lot of people are on streptomycin now and there are new operations .
22 A new kind of documentary was on offer for viewers in Beijing : populist , slightly Wilcocksy people shows .
23 But in Edinburgh , the mixed system meant that a large number of compositors were on piece-work , while the machinemen were virtually all " on time " .
24 Hon. Members could easily have been misled by referring to a previous Hansard which shows that a substantial number of ships are on order but fails to reflect the Government 's commitment to naval shipbuilding .
25 Culham is only six miles from Harwell ; for many years a model of ZETA was on display in its entrance hall as a reminder of Britain 's heritage in this field .
26 It is an orderly transition , reinforcing the impression , as it is intended to , that the social-democratic ship of state is on course , its institutions well-oiled and in working order , even though last month 's general election left the country with a hung Storting ( parliament ) .
27 Mr. Simon Hughes As the Minister 's first answer made it clear that a price differential has been a major cause of the substantial increase in sales of unleaded petrol , and as the Secretary of State is on record as saying that the market has a role to play in cutting the use of petrol across the market in the United Kingdom , by what figures does the Department currently estimate that petrol prices will increase over the next few years ?
28 Visit two or three different types of retail outlets and find out which varieties of potato are on sale .
29 During the years of the Occupation of Japan relations with the rest of Asia were on ice .
30 It 's only about a ten to fifteen minute stroll to the excellent sandy beach where a brilliant variety of watersports are on offer including water skiing , windsurfing , boat-hire , wet-biked etc .
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