Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [conj] if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The entry is then displayed on screen for correction and if it is correct , the librarian chooses option 3 and the data is written on to the disk .
2 We will not easily be put off course but if we are we can use the kayak tilt or rudder to maintain the line without needing the paddle to steer .
3 If ones came as in little wee pi pickups we called them the little lorry things you would sort of keep your eye very much because you did n't know they were looking for scrap and if you told them you had nothing they might go away with your iron gates or something .
4 If it were not human you would not want it for research and if it was not human no one would deny you having it for research . ’
5 It 's also good for sunburn and if you burn yourself .
6 A period of just a few seconds was allowed for recall and if they could recall only one or two letters the subjects were asked to specify their position in the sequence .
7 If the content of a putatively infallible belief is merely that things are looking that way to me now , there is clearly less room for error than if I were to risk the belief that that way is pink .
8 A thing that 's really about accents that if you say to somebody , What accent do n't you like ?
9 A dirty beatnik and he 'd turn me out if it was n't for Maggie and if it was n't for the painting , and I 'd go , anyway , if it was n't for Maggie .
10 ‘ We are talking about a man who played 90 times for England and if he had n't been injured would certainly have played over 100 .
11 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
12 Let's get three of copies and if you do three of the colour you 'll be half way .
13 I know , I 'm not into that really I think if we sort of thing , we eat it , end of story and if we do n't want it fine , but you do n't have
14 So if food consumption decreases there is a danger of malnutrition and if it continues one of obesity ( with attendant heart problems ) .
15 Montgomery wanted a reconnaissance of this stretch of bunkers and anti-tank ditches to see if it was being put into a state of defence and if it could be outflanked to the south .
16 And you might well argue of course that if you are subsidizing films which have no cultural merit or whatever then why we are doing this and that , that would be a question to ask .
17 I wish you 'd told me before , Edward , I mean , it 's entirely your own affair of course but if I 'd known forewarned would have been forearmed and we could have avoided this sort of thing . ’
18 Now if I was to say erm er if I would have no doubt of course if if I did n't know about your connection with John .
19 You 're just a piece of shit and if I stepped on you I 'd scrape you off my shoe .
20 Ei either the rate of addition or the rate of removal cos if we 're assuming a steady state the two will be the same and it 's just a question of for some substances it might be easier to measure th the rate of addition , for others it might be easier to measure the rate of removal .
21 This timing is vital even on the smallest of waves since if you pump at the bottom of a wave you will not go any faster .
22 It arose from a groundswell of opinion in the EC that the internal market would be a success only where it had the support of both ‘ sides ’ of industry and if it was designed to benefit every citizen of the Community .
23 If you then take the point that it 's beyond the greenbelt , again you 've limited the area of search and if we take the point that Mr I think put across so well that it 's consistent with sub-regional policy , you already immediately then rule out that part of the erm area round Greater York that would have greatest impact on the Leeds Conurbation .
24 Without such basic knowledge , you might gain some small insight into the sport , but at a much lower level of appreciation than if you had done some reading in advance .
25 So if you are producing a Victorian mystery , for instance , you would do well to think of a plot in terms more of melodrama than if you were writing a book set today .
26 It is a crime of violence and if we ca n't prove the violence then we ca n't prove the rape . ’
27 They are that kind of car and if you look at £80,000 and how long it 'll last you and see how many £15,000 cars you 'll buy in that time , we 're probably bargains .
28 So , too , if a man teaches his parrot to slander anyone , that is neither more nor less the ordinary tort of defamation than if he prefers to say it with his own tongue rather than with the parrot 's .
29 And if Amy is in need of help and if you were able to locate her , I think we 'd all be inestimably in your debt . ’
30 Now this kind of ordering text on a page if you 're using a typewriter takes quite a lot of skill but if you 're a , with a word processor it 's actually quite easy .
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