Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [pron] [vb base] been " in BNC.

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1 One interpretation of mental breakdown is that it is an attempt by a disturbed mind to create a breathing space for reassessment and balance ; for conflicts which have been suppressed to emerge and be dealt with .
2 For generations they have been led to believe that Britain and America secretly pull the strings in their country .
3 Until about eighteen months or so they will typically be unable to search for objects which have been displaced invisibly ( by transposing containers , for example ) .
4 you see , so yeah and er we used to have as I say er , well for instance I 've been up in the office .
5 ( e ) Conflicts of interest Where firms involved in an amalgamation have previously acted for clients who have been involved in litigation against each other , the amalgamated firm must not accept instructions to act for any of those clients unless they are able to erect and maintain effective " Chinese Walls " and : ( 1 ) none of the solicitors involved are professionally embarrassed by continuing to act ; ( 2 ) all the clients have given their consent ; ( 3 ) those clients have received full and frank independent advice before giving their consent ; and ( 4 ) such continuing to act can be shown to be in the best interests of the clients .
6 Is it not outrageous that coalfield areas such as Nottinghamshire which have been waiting nearly two years for this money are still denied it because of the party political games played by the former Cabinet Minister and now Labour Commissioner Millan ?
7 But other Jews … the ones who have suffered like your zeide … for centuries they have been praying ‘ To next year in Jerusalem ’ and meaning it .
8 FOR months we have been mesmerised by stories of the Battle of the Atlantic .
9 That 's for things like looking after babies who 've been left alone too long , or playing with little kids who get lonely .
10 Middle-aged adults , especially women are sometimes asked to care for parents who have been violent or sexually abusive towards them in the past .
11 For decades we have been gradually slipping behind .
12 This is in contrast with the usual representation of a physical map , where clones are summarised as intervals which have been packed into as few lines as possible ( Fig 1 ) .
13 The following are the principal cases where that leave would be forthcoming : ( 1 ) relief is sought against any person domiciled in England or Wales ; ( 2 ) an injunction is sought ordering the defendant to do an act or refrain from doing anything ( whether or not damages are also claimed in respect of a failure to do something or for the doing of that thing ) ; ( 3 ) the claim is brought against any person duly served within or out of England and Wales and a person out of England and Wales is a necessary or proper party thereto ; ( 4 ) the claim is founded on any breach or alleged breach of any contract wherever made , which : ( a ) according to its terms ought to be performed in England and Wales , or ( b ) is by its terms , or by implication , governed by English law , or ( c ) contains a term to the effect that a court in England or Wales shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any action in respect of the contract ; ( 5 ) the claim is founded on a tort and the damage was sustained or resulted from an act committed , within England and Wales ; ( 6 ) the whole subject-matter of the proceedings is land ( with or without rent or profits ) or the perpetuation of testimony relating to land ; ( 7 ) the claim is brought to construe , rectify , set aside or enforce an act , deed , will , contract , obligation or liability affecting land ; ( 8 ) the claim is made for a debt secured on immovable property or is made to assert , declare or determine proprietary or possessory rights , or rights of security , in or over movable property , or to obtain authority to dispose of movable property ; ( 9 ) the claim is brought to execute the trusts of a written instrument , being trusts that ought to be executed according to English law and of which the person to be served with the originating process is a trustee , or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is brought ; ( 10 ) the claim is made for the administration of the estate of a person who died domiciled in England or Wales or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is made ; ( 11 ) the claim is brought in a probate action within the meaning of Ord 41 ; ( 12 ) the claim is brought to enforce any judgment or arbitral award ; ( 13 ) the claim is brought against a defendant not domiciled in Scotland or Northern Ireland in respect of a claim by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue for or in relation to any of the duties of taxes which have been , or are for the time being , placed under their care and management ; ( 14 ) the claim is brought in respect of contributions under the Social Security Act 1975 ; ( 15 ) the claim is made for a sum to which the Directive of the Council of the European Communities dated 15 March 1976 No 76/308/EEC applies , and service is to be effected in a country which is a member of the European Economic Community .
14 Well done to … the Leeds branch of The Guild of Hairdressers who have been raising money over the last twelve months for the Children 's ’ Wing at the Seacroft Hospital .
15 With all that said of course the transition period is going to be very dangerous for the kind of reasons we 've been talking about already and I think is right too when he says that er , the so called nationalist in the non Russian Republics , if you 're a Democrat in a empire , then you are inevitably a nationalist as well because you want your nation to have its natural human rights .
16 One can sometimes learn something about the population from a study of coins which have been recovered but perhaps not much in Islay .
17 Rescission will only be impossible when financial adjustment is obstructed by circumstances going beyond the difficulty of valuation of investments which have been sold on : see Birks , An Introduction to the Law of Restitution ( 1985 ) , p. 423 .
18 ‘ It would be wrong for water users in the next five to ten years to be asked to finance the whole cost of projects which have been neglected in the past and which may be expected to last for 30 , 50 or even 100 years .
19 What I want to do , in this second part of my lecture , is to illustrate in the field in which I have been myself involved — literature and stylistics — the kind of projects which have been attempted and the limited success which has been achieved .
20 As far as Kuwait is concerned we 'd like to see our country free again and this gives us the type of hope we have been wanting for the past six months , and I am sure for the people inside Kuwait — because I was there for about three weeks prior to the after the invasion I was there and I had to escape that country .
21 ‘ With the kind of cut-backs we have been doing , we have been incurring substantial reorganisation costs and profitability has been difficult to achieve , ’ Mr Mair said .
22 The table simply illustrates the range of policies which have been introduced .
23 One always seems to come back to climate as the primary explanation of the sort of phenomena I have been discussing , but for the ultimate control , sooner or later , we must face the possibility of an extra-terrestrial cause , though in most geological circles one seems to be expected to blush when doing so .
24 This research project focuses on three related aspects of the introduction of protection which have been comparatively neglected .
25 But most do still read reviews , usually as a form of long-stop to make sure they have not missed important titles on their initial selection , or to buy extra copies of titles which have been particularly well received .
26 In last month 's issue , The Art Newspaper published the list of artists who have been included in this ambitious survey and identified a second list of candidates whom Rosenthal and Joachimedes had decided to ignore .
27 ( b ) Whether the local authority will be liable for personal injury or property damage suffered by occupiers of houses which have been inspected and the Building Regulations not complied with .
28 Oh I do , I do and my mates is on er , of course they 've been brought up with the metric system you see and he 's
29 Of course we 've been in touch by phone but I wanted to see how things were …
30 And of course we 've been doing these for twenty years , folders .
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