Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Basically the ambient conditions in the British Isles are acceptable for goldfish at most times of the year .
2 World-wide co-operation in the matter of the venereal diseases was first formalized by the Brussels agreement of 1924 when the signatories undertook to provide a free treatment service for seamen of all countries who were found to be suffering from infection .
3 For reasons of this nature , the sentences in 13–16 will be considered to exemplify only pseudo-synonymy .
4 We can feed them information on Russian intentions in exchange for scraps like this tip about the Bonnard car . ’
5 People who are liable for CGT in these circumstances can apply for special relief of up to £40,000 .
6 Many larger houses were being split up into ‘ so-called flats ’ , and he called for protection for such families .
7 The clause was ‘ wider than necessary for protection of that trade ’ .
8 The justification for protection in these circumstances is that a businessman who is willing to deal on the other party 's standard terms and conditions is probably unable to negotiate a special deal due to an inequality of bargaining power .
9 7.2 The Proprietor further agrees that all charges for carrying out the Proprietor 's corrections additions or deletions in the preparation and reproduction of artwork apart from errors for which the Publisher or printer is responsible exceeding 10% ( ten per cent ) of the charge for preparation of such artwork shall be borne by the Proprietor and shall be deductible from payments due to the Proprietor .
10 7.2 The Company further agrees that all charges for carrying out the author 's corrections additions or deletions in the preparation and reproduction of artwork apart from errors for which the Publisher or printer is responsible exceeding 10% ( ten per cent ) of the charge for preparation of such artwork shall be borne by the Company and shall be deductible from payments due to the Company .
11 The first group continue to contribute to the health care of the nation but the second and third are a target for re-employment at some time .
12 This is an especially fertile area for discontent in any firm as junior and middle ranking partners press for increased reward for increased work and senior partners are reluctant to contemplate any reduction in their incomes before retirement ; and where one area of the work of a firm consistently produces higher returns than others , the clamour for tangible recognition in the form of greater profit shares for the partners involved can all too easily become the rock upon which the whole firm eventually founders .
13 The pope made no direct statement about Lichfield at this time but Aethelheard visited Rome in 801 ( ASC A , s.a. 799 ) and the pope wrote to him in January 802 ( and to Coenwulf ) conceding to Aethelheard and his successors authority over all the churches of the Anglo-Saxons ( with reference specifically to the twelve bishoprics of the southern province ) .
14 We were in Stratford for the summer , but I went down to Hampshire for a few weeks to do some business for Will about some sheep .
15 Accounts for 50% of all UK gin exports .
16 He had been elected to the leadership of the former All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions in 1986 , and served as chairman of that body for three months prior to his election in July 1990 to the CPSU politburo and secretariat .
17 As chairman of this group , I obviously have financial people , accountants , treasury people , lawyers , personnel people , property people and so on who all make part of a team .
18 THE man who founded Swaledale Outdoor Club and inspired a spirit of adventure in thousands of people over the past quarter of a century stood down as chairman at this week 's annual meeting , prior to moving to South Africa .
19 The important issue for me as chairman throughout that period was to remember that once the Prime Minister had said that Westland was a private-sector problem which must be solved by private-sector measures and techniques , one 's interests were obviously the shareholders , the employees , the customers and the banks , since the company was heavily indebted .
20 All who work within the education service are acutely aware of the pressure for change at all levels .
21 The aim of this legislation , as the Supreme Court noted , is to facilitate economic development , although it is fair to add that lenders both from within and outside the country have been pressing for change for some time .
22 Prison regimes are subject to pressures for change from many quarters and several aspects of prison practices are currently under review .
23 We may therefore conclude in relation to bargaining structures ( whether centralised or decentralised ) that although there are clearly forces making for change in all countries their extent should , perhaps , not be over-estimated — especially not those changes which may appear to produce convergent systems .
24 We need something dramatic to focus it , either to introduce something which will create a potential for change in this situation ( which will potentially destabilise the situation ) or pick up on something going on in the groups which will have the same effect ; we need to focus on an issue .
25 This is not to imply that areas outside review are inadequate : the ‘ need for institutional change ’ review , which was a Modular Course initiative , revealed no perceptions of urgent need for change in any area of Polytechnic management .
26 David Downes in The Delinquent Solution refers to a study of Chicago gangs carried out thirty years previously for support on this point .
27 There will be need for support in that fashion , and that can satisfactorily come only through the International Monetary Fund .
28 In fact , the whole instrument stands up for itself without relying on those industry stalwarts for support in any way , which makes a very refreshing change .
29 The CEGB had looked for support in this area from the National Radiological Protection Board , the government funded organization responsible for providing advice on radiation hazards .
30 A General Entrance Requirement for admission to all degree courses has been agreed by a number of Scottish universities .
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