Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Why do we continue to talk about marriage as if it were a commonly understood state when these differences so obviously exist ?
2 I swilled down the half-pint of champagne as if it was bitter lemon .
3 Until the two old ladies with their umbrellas shattered his dream , he had walked through the streets of Brighton as if it were his own kingdom , doffing his flat cap to passers-by who could n't help hearing him coming from two blocks away .
4 There can be tactical reasons for specifically presenting an argument within the traditions of antisemitism as if it were an argument against those traditions .
5 ‘ But it 's not right , ’ said Lydia Horton , looking around the dreary little back-street surgery in the least attractive part of Oswaldston as if it were part of her grievance .
6 However , this ad hoc procedure has not been without its critics , largely because of doubts about whether it is possible to perform the exercise with sufficient precision to arrive at a clear-cut evaluation .
7 Of Condition In If it rains today I sha n't go shopping the clause if it rains today qualifies sha n't go .
8 To speak of religion as if it is a ‘ primordial form ’ or an ‘ entity ’ is to hypostasize it .
9 Hotman points out that while " they may be a people without a king … a king without a people is as inconceivable as a pastor without a flock , " and suggests that the supposed ancient kingdom of Francogallia " was not subject to the law of inheritance as if it were a private patrimony but was habitually transferred by the votes and decisions of the people . "
10 The Perm was soon taking pity on Charlie , as people tended to , and Charlie was asking him about the pressures of fame as if it were something that concerned him from day to day .
11 To reject the mythological character of much of the Bible is to run the serious risk of looking for the truth of scripture as if it were like the kernel in the nut , and ending up with nothing but the shell .
12 In Dar es Salaam and elsewhere during 1967 and 1968 , one occasionally heard mention of Mwafrika as if it still existed , only to discover that what was being referred to was actually Uhuru , the official daily paper of TANU , This confusion was understandable : the Mwafrika of 1965 bore no relation to what people remembered of the old one , but the pattern set by the earlier Mwafrika and Zuhra seems to have been continued after independence by Uhuru and Ngurumo .
13 It was necessary in 1859 to write about the process of evolution as if it produced the best of all possible worlds , a substitute for the finger of the Almighty at work .
14 There was then a single race , the Rouge Flamande , but plenty of argument about whether it should be uniform red or pied .
15 Instead they acted as a brake on German economic power by milking the state of subsidy as if it had been set up for that purpose alone .
16 He remembered the vivid sunsets of his boyhood and the way the sun would hang like a crimson ball above the edge of the trees surrounding their house and then plunge out of sight as if it had been dropped in a moment of carelessness .
17 Then he pulled his head up again with a grunt of effort as if it was almost too heavy for him to lift .
18 Police radio describes how they 're giving up the chase because there are a lot of children about and it could be dangerous .
19 ‘ Let's just say that the CRO have done that sort of thing before and it was all over very quickly !
20 Um it 's almost as if the debate about false memory syndrome is embedded in an older notion of memory , embedded in a notion of memory as if it were either literally true or literally false , embedded in a notion of memory which sees memories as things like larders or cupboards or filing cabinets and um y'know people pick the memories out and get them out and and display them to other people .
21 It may indeed be out of date in that it was yesterday 's intellectual fad , but the positivist position I have outlined seems the only possible one for someone who is seeking new laws , and new ways , to describe the universe .
22 They had had this kind of conversation before and it always ended with her frustrated and him defiant .
23 This morning , having forced herself to her study , still wearing her dressing-gown and clutching a second cup of coffee as if it were attached to a lifeline , she began searching among her papers for the output of the previous day .
24 ‘ But the machine saves a great deal of time in that it automatically produces statistics and its print-outs clearly show patterns in the absences .
25 Despite Mandy 's tendency to talk about Anpetuwi as if it were an ageing aunt — demanding , annoying , falling apart , and hopelessly old-fashioned — Charity knew she loved the place with her whole heart and soul .
26 So , you can rotate , stretch and generally fiddle with text as if it was a square or what have you .
27 Now , the paper format has n't quite been decided with reference to whether it will be compulsory to do at least one from each section .
28 Miss Harker looked at it with distaste as if it were a species of repellent insect wriggling on a pin , then took it carefully between her finger and thumb and held it up to the light of the candle .
29 To go into details of that it 's probably much more sensible to do it with just two or three people .
30 Joan remembers that last morning at home with Brian as if it were yesterday .
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