Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The mood of that enquiry was romantically scientific , so to speak , impelled by a search for technicality based on a confident assumption that science had provided the arts with a lasting model of analytical objectivity .
2 In 1954 work began on the deserted Das Island to build a base for personnel working on a mobile drilling platform in the Arabian Gulf .
3 Consequently , in classical and medieval times , there was no radical inconsistency between description based on the accurate observation of empirical reality and continued belief in a world of fable , inhabited by otherworld monsters .
4 The commission created a subcommission of members in Paris with Friedel as chairman to work on the document .
5 The case for foot rests on the presumed equivalence of contrast between foot and query , in 17 :
6 The need for change hinges on the state of the city coffers .
7 A relaxed expectancy permeates the silent quarters eyes glued to sonar screens search for mines lurking on the sea floor nearby giant American battleships wait to creep in .
8 The decision in Smith v Baker ( 1891 ) made it difficult for employers to rely on a volenti defence .
9 There may be a tendency for courts to err on the side of caution , and for orders to be made for the full length of time , but the recent judgement by the High Court in relation to an appeal in North Yorkshire may encourage the courts to exercise discretion with greater confidence , and take advice from the GAL .
10 Their Lordships expressed the opinion that in the absence of some exceptional circumstance such as bad faith or improper motive on the part of the Minister it was inappropriate for courts to intervene on the ground of unreasonableness in a matter of public financial administration of this kind .
11 However , sources say IBM has been making Taligent 's life a misery lately , by insisting that Taligent use its Distributed System Object Model — a general purpose mechanism for communicating between objects based on the OS/2 2.0 Workplace Shell , also up on AIX .
12 Distributed Systems Object Model is a general-purpose mechanism for communicating between objects based on the OS/2 Workplace Shell , and is also up under AIX .
13 Important work is also progressing in the recognition of engineering drawings for both the lines of the drawings and for text found on the diagrams ( Waite , 1989 ; Dori , 1991 ; Lysak and Kasturi , 1991 ) , and of musical notation ( Fahmy and Blostein , 1991 ) .
14 Reducing the volume of waste not only makes it more manageable and reduces the further risk of contravening the hygiene regulations , but since most local authorities or waste contractors charge for removal based on the volume , you will also make considerable savings on removal charges .
15 Protocols specified the level of " economic convergence " required for states to embark on the third and final stage of EMU .
16 Apart from any sense of injustice which it might create between one plaintiff and another , it would make it even more difficult for counsel to advise on the correct figure for settlement .
17 While exploring the question of whether bees can use information about direction gathered on the flight back from the food , we transported foragers caught as they were leaving the hive for natural sources to an artificial feeder in the middle of a large car park hundreds of metres from the hive .
18 The Young King had been pressing for permission to go on a pilgrimage to Compostella but Henry II , believing that this was just an excuse to get away from his watchful eye , had instead ordered him to help suppress the rebellion in Aquitaine .
19 The company is also hoping for permission to develop on a nearby abbatoir site .
20 The case for Nucella depends on the synonymy of N.theobroma Roding with Buccinum lapillus L. ( Winkworth , 1932 ) .
21 With the housing market still struggling to recover , the Bonners may not be moving in the very near future — but it 's rare for follies to come on the market , especially ones you can live in — so it may not be long before a buyer comes along keen to take up residence in Enoch 's Tower .
22 Experimental evidence for chaos based on the mode-splitting instability was first obtained by Casperson in 1978 { 10 } : the route to chaos was not studied in detail , except that period-two was observed .
23 A cut-down , personal version for clients hosted on a network will also be released , which will operate with 4Mb RAM and 40Mb disk , the company says .
24 The subsequent demoralisation in evidence throughout British coalfields has been mitigated to some degree in South Yorkshire by blame for defeat focusing on a clearly identifiable minority , who in response have developed a set of parallel social institutions .
25 Small doses are also the intended viewing pattern for the recently produced ‘ British Art in the 20th century ’ a video programme produced for schools based on the Royal Academy 's British Art in the 20th Century exhibition .
26 The painting is one of a cycle of seven consigned by the Earl of Elgin for sale on 21 April to make up for losses incurred on the Lloyds insurance market .
27 By now the tendency for manufacturers to concentrate on a single site was apparent , and many of the smaller mills , such as Inchbrook , fell into disuse .
28 Also , the constituents of the index do change as entry depends on the size of equity market capitalisation of each company ; a review takes place every three months .
29 He got up and , without much conviction , looked for blood stains on the upholstery .
30 For Marx on the other hand the difference is more material : the division of labour between branches exists on the basis of the interchange of products as commodities , whereas within the enterprise the specialised worker produces no commodities — ‘ It is only the common product of all the specialised workers that becomes a commodity ’ ( ibid . ) .
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