Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [noun] be [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The story of King Bladud was first chronicled by Geoffrey of Monmouth ( c. 1100–1154 ) in his Historia Regum Britanniae , a collection of mythology and history relating to the early history of Britain , which he claimed he had translated from a lost book of Breton legends .
2 The concept of field dependence was first discussed by Witkin ( 1950 ) and has since been discovered to be a relatively stable trait of the individual .
3 He decided to try his hand in racing and in June 1956 the skills of Jim Clark were first seen at Crimond Airfield , near Aberdeen , when he made his racing debut in a DKW Saloon .
4 Most of the Church of Ireland cathedral was nineteenth century also , including the tall spire .
5 This acceptance of the usual forms of court etiquette was first developed in a particular social environment , and it is important to comply with it if a proper atmosphere is to be established for the action which is to take place .
6 The goal of art history is first to place the work of art in history and then assess it in the light of its unique position .
7 The percutaneous extraction of gall stones was first described in 1985 , for the treatment of high risk patients with acute cholecystitis , and was carried out in up to five stages using a transhepatic tract .
8 In Warsaw , dozens of East Germans were last night waiting in front of the embassy , filling out forms and wondering where they would spend the night .
9 In most cases we will be asking when a particular parish or set of parish boundaries was first defined , and if that was the date of its origin or if it is older .
10 A lot of parish boundaries were first defined in charters of the late Saxon period .
11 Now in its twelfth edition ( 1982 ) , Sears List of Subject Headings was first written by Minnie Sears and published in 1923 .
12 The duty of care concept was first expounded in 1985 by the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution , which held that the duty owed to society to handle and dispose of waste properly rested with the individual or organisation producing it .
13 It is impossible to say with any degree of certainty exactly where , when and how the majority of rug designs were first evolved .
14 The third method Engels accepted from Morgan concerned the idea that , although systems of kinship terms were first moulded by systems of marriage , the kin terms did not change as easily as the system of marriage .
15 Since the idea of earth energies was first put forward in the 1930s , attempts have been made to show that the ancient peoples could detect such energies and that , given the right conditions , we can do so today .
16 Moreover , working wives provide the family with a contact to the world of work where news about job opportunities is first picked up .
17 He said the hazards of long-term smoking were far greater than was realised when the link with lung cancer was first made 40 years ago .
18 The mismatch between promise and performance in computer programming was first publicly recognised by professionals in the field at a famous conference on software engineering in 1968 .
19 Just over 100 homes in Whinney Banks are first in line for renewal when cash is available .
20 The Careers Department in North Tyneside were last able to identify any recruitment in 1986 , when Swan Hunters engaged 25 apprentices ; however , they never started work .
21 These reasons may not be entirely true , but since formal advice on radon exposure was first issued in 1987 by the National Radiological Protection Board ( NRPB ) great concern has arisen in the few areas of the country that have high radon levels .
22 In 1955 also the idea of a Children 's Church on Sunday mornings was first suggested ( thought it did not start till November 1960 ) and in December 1955 for the first time there was a Christmas tree in church .
23 The basic question with regard to birth parents is first , whether they can or should be encouraged to release the child emotionally on the belief that this is the only way for the child to become attached to his new family .
24 In fact , many of the plasmids used in research on E. coli were first found in pseudomonads or salmonella ; it can be difficult to tell in which species a plasmid first originated .
25 By definition women are first and only housewives .
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