Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adj] are [det] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , for example , unc but this result can not be obtained by use of ( 4 ) since by inspection the submatrices of order 2 are all singular .
2 The implications of Section 28 are many and alarming .
3 The odds against a " yes " answer for questions like Question 1 are many billions of times greater than the number of atoms in the universe .
4 ‘ The top five teams in Division Three are all good sides .
5 Therefore , the only additional benefits which can be identified in Figure 8.5 are those which might accrue from the competitive structure which the government is proposing to create .
6 Activities in Quadrant 1 are those in which the form of output is not clear and the means by which the work will be carried out can not be precisely specified .
7 Activities in Quadrant 3 are those in which the technology is relatively well-known and the major issue is how it might best be used .
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