Example sentences of "[noun sg] given [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The presidents agreed on a number of points relating to the 10-year-old civil war in El Salvador and the sanctuary given to Nicaraguan contra rebels in Honduras .
2 A recent ad for follow-on milk , quoting from an article in the British Medical Journal , stated that cow 's milk given at six months caused ‘ subclinical but appreciable gastro-intestinal bleeding in about a third of children . ’
3 I have just done her a return kindness by getting invitations for her and her mother , to the Alumnus of the Year award given by Royal Bank as holder of Chair of European Governmental Studies .
4 On May 16 the Appeal Court halved the five-year prison sentence given to former Guinness chairman Ernest Saunders in August 1990 for " massive fraud " in connection with the Distillers Company takeover bid [ see p. 37662 ] .
5 Individuals are not accorded the protection given to third States to treaties of having to assent in writing to the imposition of burdens upon them .
6 Support given to young people from Lothian for national arts courses
7 Groups are capable of great creativity , as in language and folksong , and even in the stimulus and support given to individual writers and thinkers .
8 Thirdly , it seems that both groups of critics would want to see greater support given to natural families , in general , to help them to care for their children more effectively and to prevent the need for substitute care arising .
9 Todd linked family structure to ideology and politics , and indeed sought to account both for types of regime and for the electoral support given to particular types of party by an area 's dominant family structure .
10 Lothian Region support given to National Festivals & Companies , leading to workshops and visits to schools by major companies
11 The breaching of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 opened the doors to a series of revolutions in Central and East European countries which , from November 1989 to January 1990 , saw the toppling of Communist dictatorships , and their gradual replacement by governments relying in most cases on popular support given at free elections .
12 The kind of economic support given from one migrant to the next includes : assistance with the fare ; assistance in finding work ; a temporary home ; personal encouragement and moral support whilst the new migrant is adjusting to Britain .
13 In the London case at least , this recovery can no doubt be attributed in part to the strength of its economy , the support given by central government to the Docklands redevelopment and other schemes , and the associated attraction of young professionals back to the more central parts of the city .
14 Particularly in a large organization , reclassification can be a major exercise , although it can be facilitated by the support given by computer-based catalogue records .
15 It would be a tragedy if the use of violence or any confusion introduced by irregular elements on the picket lines were to divide and deflect the support given by responsible trade unionists all over the country aimed at achieving an early and a peaceful solution to this problem .
16 ‘ Lukewarm toleration ’ is the description given by some New Zealand correspondents who believe that clergy sometimes feel that ‘ traditions are inhibiting parish development ’ .
17 The proposed new law curbing this type of blatantly dishonest description given by some estate agents is not before time .
18 Since , however , the types of response given by these enquirers did not differ significantly from applicants , we have grouped them with the applicants for the purpose of the analysis .
19 In its reserved judgement given on 12th March 1992 , the Court concluded that the Visitors acted in their capacity as Judges of the High Court and not as visitors in the usual sense and were thus not reviewable .
20 In a judgement given on 14th May 1992 , the House of Lords allowed Johnson Matthey 's appeal that the £50 million payment in 1984 to its former subsidiary , Johnson Matthey Bankers Limited , was a revenue payment and eligible for tax relief .
21 Although the accident estimate could logically be independent of the actual exemplar of the junction that a subject was shown it is clear that it is in fact strongly related to the risk rating given to particular exemplars .
22 Even if there were some unique experience given to all observers in perception , there still remain some major objections to the inductivist assumption concerning observations .
23 The maximum reduction given per full fare paying passenger under this section is £30 irrespective of the number and timing of changes made to a booking .
24 As far as the central grant is concerned , it has developed a technique that enables it to cut the money given to some authorities which it considers to be over-spenders by an amount equal to or more than any expenditure increase .
25 Instruction in the faith given in late teens or early twenties is essential , essential for young people , both those who 've received communion in earlier years and those who have not .
26 West Belfast should be treated as a special case and a uniform grant at the Premium 3 level given for all trainees ; alternative solutions must be found where it is simply not possible to find employers to take second year trainees ; cover should be given to management committees to protect them from personal liability in the event of insolvency .
27 However , because it groups entries alphabtically according to the areas of responsibility given to particular topic editors , it can be slightly confusing .
28 Government grant is distributed through a mechanism which is now called the standard spending assessment , an awful word , or phrase , but it is absolutely vital , and if you look at the standard spending assessment given to this county the government is saying we ought to be able to provide all the services for a total cost of eight hundred and seventy nine pounds per charge payer .
29 Older and tougher belief on the same issue is embodied in another tale Tolkien had probably read , the Scottish story of ‘ The Woman of Peace and the Bible Reader ’ : in this an elf-woman approaches an old man reading his Bible and asks ‘ if there was any hope given in holy Scripture for such as she ’ .
30 Changes in the aid given to poor petitioners in 1914 , together with the effects of World War I , produced an increase in the divorce rate after 1918 , but it was not until 1946 that legal aid became freely available and therefore not until 1951 that divorce petitions began to come from a cross section of the population .
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