Example sentences of "[noun sg] used [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This may not always be straightforward since , although there may be a majority decision , the reasoning used by each member of the majority may differ .
2 The term used for such restraint is Verkehrsberuhigung , literally meaning traffic-calming ( Figure 5.1 ) .
3 The technical term used for this cash limit is the external finance limit ( EFL ) , reflecting its rather different status .
4 ‘ Materials unaccounted for ’ is the specific term used for any kind of discrepancy between the book inventory and the actual inventory . ’
5 This is a contagious infection caused by mites burrowing under the skin ( mange is a term used for any condition caused by mites which causes itching and results in a mammal losing its fur ) .
6 There was a higher proportion of officers and NCO 's in Special Forces than in regular formations ( a term used in this book to distinguish Special Forces from other units ) , particularly in the specialised reconnaissance and raiding parties .
7 The first Carolingian king , Pippin I , in 754/5 had specified " concerning the mint , that of each pound of silver , not more than 22 solidi were to be minted , of which one must go to the moneyer and the rest to the lord [ king ] " : since the account pound used in normal business reckoning contained 20 solidi , Pippin was in effect decreeing a royal mint charge of 1 solidus , i.e. 5 per cent .
8 All the speeds will have to be reduced for all rolling stock used on that line which will increase the cost for uses of the of that service .
9 the accounting policy and , if different , the funding policy whether the pension cost and provision ( or asset ) are assessed in accordance with the advice of a professionally qualified actuary and , if so , the date of the most recent actuarial valuation or later formal review used for this purpose .
10 The dictionary used by this system consisted of 300 seven letter words .
11 Here the idle-up facility will be used to set the model up for aerobatics and the normal throttle action used for general flying .
12 Avoid the sort of ending used in this essay on " Genres of the Old English Poetry " : And in this way we have come to the end of our characterisation of the main genres of the oldest vernacular poetry in Western Europe ; poetry which achieved so great variety over the 8th , 9th , and 10th centuries .
13 However hard one may try to place a new ballet in any of the style categories already mentioned , it is noticeable that the basic style of dance used in any ballet is usually merged with another .
14 The assay used in this study measures bile concentrations at a single point in time and may well not be an accurate reflection of overall exposure .
15 All the equipment used at each session is new and sterile and never re-used .
16 The equipment used in this book is not specialist or complicated , but a thorough checklist is given here of the many items available .
17 SOTHEBY 'S is to auction an icon used in 18th century Russia to assist women in childbirth .
18 Types of question used in personal selling
19 The core used in this design is a Telcon Metals HCR alloy core type 7a and is available from Telcon Metals , phone 0293 528800
20 These were described as artefacts and clothing used in Christian worship and devotions , such as the broken cross , and Mr Mackenzie 's funeral cloak .
21 Trichlorethylene and tetrachlorethylene used in dry cleaning and degreasing also pose threats to health , especially through contamination of groundwater , and have been detected in tapwater .
22 The limited design vocabulary used in modern refurbishment and pub design has led to a proliferation of etched and ‘ stained ’ glass ; dark mahogany-stained bars ; marble-topped cast-iron tables ; shelves of unread books , bottles , plates and brasses ; deep-buttoned plush upholstery ; patterned carpets and wallpaper ; and brass ceiling fans .
23 For each grammar tag used in each position the following information is stored :
24 A favourite device of Borges , for example , is to toy with the reader by sprinkling his fictions with references to real people and places , a technique used to good effect in ‘ Tlön , Uqbar , Orbis Tertius ’ , whose realistic trappings lend credibility to the story of a non-existent world which is the reverse of our own , while the fictional world in its turn calls into question the reality of the one in which we live .
25 One might say that the ‘ candid camera ’ technique used for some television programmes , where people have tricks played on them for the benefit of the viewers , is rather in this mode of observation , though it is to be hoped that social researchers would not encourage people to make fools of themselves in the way television producers do .
26 Of course there 's the familiar smash and grab technique used by these ram raiders to steal from stores .
27 It has adopted the technique used by American lobby groups of rating politicians in the same way that companies are rated for their credit-worthiness .
28 One strength of the technique used in this study is that it can be applied retrospectively to material produced for other purposes .
29 The new policy , introduced on 1 October 1992 , zero-rates fresh fish used as bait which is of a kind used for human consumption , and is fit for human consumption when it is supplied .
30 The German scientists , led by Dr Hans Schmidt , have tested , for the first time anywhere , the thermal conductivity of molten uranium fuel of the kind used in pressurised water reactors ( PWRs ) throughout the world .
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