Example sentences of "[noun sg] rather [conj] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Further evidence that Castro was pursuing his own course rather than responding to US actions is given by the testimony of US Ambassador Philip Bonsal , who found his efforts to meet with Castro and to pursue negotiations thwarted .
2 Why do you think many of the farmers prefer to have a long ley in each field rather than changing from arable crops to grass every one or two years ?
3 By the use of this technique , it will be possible to gain precise information about the nature of reading difficulties at the time of comprehension rather than relying on inferences made from memory performance .
4 ‘ She wanted to be doing things like playing on her home computer rather than looking after the rest of the family .
5 professional distancing by prescribing change rather than working through the problem with the family
6 They are interested in what new machinery is available , certainly , but at the moment it 's a case of window-shopping rather than parting with hard cash .
7 Boards with wider tails are more suited to jumping since they will leap off the top of a wave rather than digging into it .
8 The biotechnology companies would then directly buy a licence for a particular technique rather than negotiating with individual universities .
9 giving inaccurate advice based on previous experience rather than listening to the family
10 Encourage comment , speculation and prediction rather than asking for reproduction of what they have heard .
11 However , they have consistently opted to eke out a living by temporary migration and wage labour rather than leaving in such numbers so as to exceed natural population growth , and thereby ease the pressure .
12 communications , where people prefer formal communication from the department rather than relying on the ‘ grapevine ’ ;
13 Furthermore , the escapement is hinged to the key rather than fitting into a slot and the hammer points towards the player .
14 As the wind increases above this level it is better to go directly to the No 3 to help the stability of the boat rather than changing to the No 2 .
15 Lean with your weight rather than pulling with your arms .
16 It is probably safer in an upside-down jump to stay with your equipment rather than abandoning in mid-air since there is a risk of it landing on top of you .
17 She stated she would be staying in their Huntingdon home rather than moving to London and admitted her wardrobe was sorely lacking in power outfits .
18 Householders who are staying at home rather than moving into bigger houses during the property recession , will be looking to use the loft space for growing families .
19 You will find yourself well satisfied by one dish rather than succumbing to the temptation of eating several smaller dishes that eventually mount up !
20 Teaching without preaching , expanding a child 's horizons without risk , often replacing a parent rather than working with one , is a minefield of responsibility .
21 So often her only resource is tears , and those tears will more likely arouse panic rather than understanding from the man with whom she is trying to communicate .
22 Now the inn is more geared to motorists , who much to their surprise , find the road terminates at the door of the inn rather than continuing to Windermere .
23 It argues that if child support was received in addition to income support the resulting higher incomes would mean that more lone mothers would remain longer on benefit rather than looking for paid employment .
24 Perhaps physical geography has been overtly concerned with the parallel to the first law rather than proceeding to the equivalent of the other three !
25 However , they are not always offered study leave or proper in-service training to achieve these qualifications , and so they tend to use school hours to do their own work rather than concentrating on their students .
26 It is this latter consideration that helps explain why many people with high replacement ratios plus the possibility for ‘ leisure ’ remain in work rather than opting for unemployment .
27 and er I was watching it when it was raining the other day , you could see the rain dripping off the wood rather than soaking into it so it 's done something .
28 We have already indicated that CD-ROM is essentially a professional medium with only marginal appeal in the consumer market so DVI can also be seen addressing this sector rather than competing with CD-I .
29 Nonetheless , she was somewhat freer than the Newham development officer to concentrate on putting in support worker help rather than liaising with other services .
30 Incidents such as five year olds showing ‘ bottoms ’ to each other in the playground or playhouse comer can , unless prompt action is taken , snowball into reports of almost sex orgy proportion rather than remaining in the league of innocent childish curiosity .
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